Thursday, 23 September 2010

How to Celebrate the International Day of Democracy

How to Celebrate the International Day of Democracy

_A parliament does not guarantee democracy, but there can be no
democracy without a parliament._ ~ IPU

The International Day of Democracy (IDD) is held every year on
September 15 to celebrate democracy. It was adopted by the United
Nations in 2007 and corresponds with the International Parliamentary
Union's (IPU) adoption of a _Universal Declaration on Democracy_
adopted in September 1997. It's a great day to celebrate and this
article will give you ideas of ways to get involved in it.

!! Steps !!

* Visit your local parliament. If there is an
Open Day on offer celebrating IDD, you will be treated to
additional information about the IDD. Even where that is not the
case, take the opportunity to tour your local parliament or
legislature and to learn more about what happens there during
working hours.
Find out what the democracy theme is for the
year you're celebrating. Each year carries a
particular theme concerning democracy. For
example, in 2010, the theme is "political
accountability: strengthening links between
parliaments and citizens". Activities are
organized around the theme, and many
parliaments pick up on these so that citizens
can participate.

* Explore the theme in detail. The information will be provided for
you online and in your local parliament, so it is definitely worth
making the most of these resources.[1]

* Read the Universal Declaration on Democracy. It can be found at:
Reflect on what democracy means to you. Write
down some ideas of what democracy means to
you. You might like to write an essay, a poem,
or a short story even. Perhaps seek to have it
published online or in print. Think about
taking your understanding further by asking
yourself (or your friends and family) some

* What elements are most important about democracy from your point
of view?

* Do your political or other beliefs impact your view of democracy?
In what ways? Is this a good thing or not?

* Do you think that other people have different views of what
constitutes democracy from yours? In what ways?

* In what ways do you think political tolerance could be advanced in
your country?

* Do you think that your country's take on democracy is the same as
how other countries view it?

Speak to your kids or to kids you know about
democracy. Find out what they understand
democracy to mean and perhaps spend some time
helping them to create pictures, stories, or
even short videos to record their thoughts. If
you have their parents' permission, why not
upload their video thoughts onto YouTube? It
could be a great way to open discussion and
serve as a historical viewpoint in time to
come, and it is always eye-opening for
"grown-ups" to see how kids view democracy!

* A great question for kids to answer is: "What would you do if you
were Prime Minister/the President?".

* Have kids write letters to their local member of parliament asking
anything they'd like to know.

Prime Minister of New Zealand, John Key at a barbecueFind out
more about your local member of parliament or your local
representative. Can you find out how long they have been in
parliament, how long their elected term is, what their policies
are, and what committees, etc. they belong to? Check online

* Find out how you can contact this person if needed.

* Do you have any questions you might like to send to this person?
Contact him or her and share your concerns and views. Your
representative needs to know how you are thinking about relevant

Share your understanding of democracy with
others. Perhaps hold a quiz night and party
based on the serious topic of democracy! Award
prizes for the best answers, and others will be
getting an education along the way! (Make sure
you know all the answers!) Things to ask people

* Do you know the difference between the executive and legislative
branches of government? Do you know where the judiciary fits in?

* Do you know how proportional representation works?

* Do you know how to contact your local member of parliament or
local representative?

* What would you do if a political matter that impacted you
personally arose in your electorate?

Learn about how to follow your parliament in
the news. This can be a good exercise in
finding out information first hand, rather
than relying on a journalist to filter it for
you according to his or her understandings
and beliefs.

* Many parliaments broadcast their proceedings on TV, over the
radio, and online. Check online first for details, or call your
local parliamentary information office.

* Use the Parline database to easily find the websites of 261
parliamentary chambers of 186 countries around the world:

Vote. One of the most important parts of being
in a democracy is the ability to vote.
Exercise your right to vote whenever it is

* Help other people to learn about the value of voting and help them
to get to polling booths if they cannot get there themselves.

!! Tips !!

* You can download many free resources from the IPU that can help
you to celebrate and learn more about the IDD. This includes
posters, leaflets, speeches, and documents. All of this is found
at: You will find a
record of all the past years' celebrations of the IDD here too.

* Increasing the parliamentary representation of women is another
important aspect of ensuring democracy worldwide. Raise girls to
believe in their own ability to participate in parliament, to
vote, to be a part of the democratic process. Encourage your local
member of parliament to support women and to write to local media
explaining your support for women in parliament. If you're a woman
who wants to enter the political processes of your country, find
out about support systems in place to help you.

!! Things You\'ll Need !!

* Internet access

* Telephone access or email access for contacting your local member

* Local parliament's opening hours for general visiting

!! Related WikiHows !!

* How to Conduct a Meeting Using Proper Parliamentary Procedure

* How to Change a Law Through the Democratic Process

* How to Vote

* How to Vote in India

* How to Register As a First Time Voter in the Philippines

* How to Understand Politics

* Celebrate Constitution Day

!! Sources And Citations !!

* IPU, About the international day of democracy, – research source

* IPU, – research source

!! Article Tools !!

* Read on wikiHow



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