It takes a little work and planning to get more fans for your page on
Facebook but it's worth it! The popular social networking site
Facebook is a great place to advertise your fan page and get
thousands of fans with timely and focused effort. It's not so much
hard as methodical – if you apply yourself to regularly following
through on getting fans and keeping them sweet, then you'll find your
fan base continues to grow and grow. This article will help you to
learn of a number of ways to popularize your fan page in and effort
to increase its chances of being read by the masses.
Note: People are now asked to "Like" Facebook pages rather than to
"become a fan". Despite this, people who press "like" are still viewed
as "fans". It is also assumed for the purposes of this article that
you have admin authority for the Facebook page in question.
!! Steps !!
Stats show the fan page has more visitors than the website in this
example Create a Facebook fan page. This is, obviously, a necessary
step if you haven't already created a one. What might not be so
obvious to people or businesses new to social media is that the fan
page and "liking" is a relationship-building marketing tool with
great potential when used well. Things to keep in mind include:
* Design your fan page attractively by adding colorful photos and
specific information to gain the attention of more readers.[1]
* Try to grasp early on that your Facebook fan page is your "brand".
Even if you're not a company, business, entrepreneur, cause, etc.,
you're still developing a brand as an individual or hobbyist
"social media expert", even if unwittingly so. As such, it's
important to plan the page's appearance and content in some
detail, including the image that you want to project from the
outset. If you already have a fan page but you're not thrilled by
the image you're currently projecting, now is the time to fix it!
Click "Suggest to Friends". Once your Facebook fan page is
published (or refurbished if needed), it's time to spread it as
much as possible through your actual friends. If they accept your
invitation to "like" your fan page, these will be your first
"fans". Try to think of as many people as possible who you know,
to begin with. If you have work colleagues, supporters of
whatever it is you're doing (such as running a charity, starting
a website, blog readers, etc.), ask these people too.
* Do spell it out concisely and politely that you'd appreciate it if
they clicked "like" on your fan page. Not all people are clued in
about what to do after they've clicked on the URL!
* Build on your friends' contacts. Ask your friends to suggest your
page to their friends as well, both on Facebook itself and through
any other methods they're comfortable with (such as Twitter or by
email). Word-of-mouth and genuine friendship trust can be used to
your advantage to obtain "friends of friends" who will possibly
have similar interests to yours or will be thrilled to start
following your page if you're a business or cause.
* If any of your good friends are highly influential on Facebook,
ask them if they mind inviting their friends to become fans of
your fan page. You can return the favor many times over by
highlighting them now and then on your increasingly popular fan
* Try emailing friends who don't seem to be on Facebook already.
This might be their first encouragement to join!
If you're a fan of other Facebook pages, add your comments and
links on their status updates as often as reasonable. You'll most
likely get the best results by posting your comments to pages
with hundreds of thousands or even millions of fans, and by being
one of the first to comment on updates made on those pages. Don't
overdo your links, however; keep it to a reasonable amount or
you'll risk annoying people.
* Post a link to your Facebook fan page on other Facebook groups or
pages. This is another way of attracting more fans. If you'd like,
add a short explanation about the page with the link. Again, do
this with care and not too frequently.
* Use "@reply" (similar to the "@" function in Twitter), to tag a
person on your Facebook page. Whenever you do this, your note
appears on the page of the person or company whose name
accompanies the "@reply". It's important not to overdo this though
or you'll be pulled up for "spamming". And if you're a business,
don't be surprised if a competitor does it back to your page;
smile it off, as it's all part of the social media game!
Use contests for people who become your fans. Have your fans win
something, whether it's a cyber-award you bestow on them, or a
real, tangible product or service from your company, such as an
eco-bag, a free dog wash, or a can of vanilla roasted peanuts. Try
doing this fairly regularly, such as weekly or monthly.
* _Photo tag_: Ask each winner if they wouldn't mind uploading a
photo of themselves holding the item if they win something
tangible, and ask them to tag themselves in the photo they've
uploaded. This is a cool way of encouraging them to spread the
word; many fans will do this because they'll be excited and
grateful. These photos appear on your Facebook page in a "Fan
Photos" folder (you could term it your "winner's" club, a page for
others to see and aspire to!) and the tagged photos also appear in
their own stream, encouraging their friends to check out your
page. (It doesn't have to be a product they take a photo of; it
can be a photo doing something that's related to your site, blog,
or fan page, such as cooking a recipe or grooming a dog, etc.).
Place your Facebook link on other social media networks. For
example, use your Twitter address link box to place your Facebook
page URL rather than a site address. If you have a lively Twitter
account, curiosity will cause a lot of your Twitter followers to
click and follow through to your Facebook page. Whatever community
you join, always be sure to include a link back to your Facebook
page so that curious readers can find and connect with you there.
* Always try to tweet your Facebook updates. Use a third party
program such as Hootsuite to make it easier to manage this. Be
careful using direct messages to send your Facebook link; more and
more people are wary of "automated messages" as they feel that
you're not being genuine using these. Try to add a personal touch
to show you wrote it for them personally.
* Be sure to share other people's Facebook updates too. This will
create a reciprocal relationship that encourages them to share
your Facebook updates with their followers and fans.
* Use photo sites such as Flickr as a way to add your Facebook link.
Upload some great photos worth viewing and include your Facebook
URL as part of the description, such as "For more great shots or
information, see XXX".
* Whenever you add information about yourself to a user or
contributor page on a social community site, include the Facebook
Add the "Facebook Like" tools to your website or blog. Using the
"like" buttons or boxes makes it easy for people to find your fan
page and to "like" it from your site or blog. Add it to your site
or blog, preferably toward the top so that it's clearly visible.
While the button is handy for sitting above posts or articles,
having the box to one side is great because it shows real faces of
the people who have already liked your Facebook page, and will
include the statistics on people who are already your fans for
potential new fans to learn about.
* To add the Facebook Like box to your website: To add a Facebook
Like Box to your website or blog: Go to your Facebook page and
click on "Edit Page". Look for "Promote Your Page" and click on
"Promote with a Like Box". Choose the height and width of the box
as it will appear on your site. Tinker around for the best
settings. Among the choices, it's helpful to use "Show Stream" and
"Show Header" because this lets people see what you're posting to
your Facebook page and they can click through immediately. Choose
"Get Code" and insert the iFrame or XFBML code on your site or
Keep your page worth visiting. People will be more inclined to keep
visiting and to share your content if you maintain regular,
interesting, and updated content. And you want them sharing that
content, so ensure that it's the type of content people love to
share, such as photos, photo sets, videos, and links to really
interesting articles (including how-to's).
* If possible, think of ways that you can create _exclusive_ content
that only gets published on your Facebook page – this means
adding links and information that only shows up on your Facebook
page and not on your site or blog. For example, perhaps you have
recipes, news updates, or links you'd like to share with your fans
that you're not sharing on your site or blog. This is a real
incentive for people to like your Facebook page and follow it
regularly; your readers will grow to look forward to the exclusive
updates and will spread the word for you (see "Tips" for "fan
only" content).
* Use surveys, quizzes, interesting anecdotes, quotes, etc., to draw
in interest. Don't just plug your own product, service, or
interest – be generous in diversifying what you're sharing with
your fans and they'll reward you by sharing the content, which in
turn encourages others to join your page.
* Regularly ask questions to elicit comments. People commenting on
your page is gold dust. Their comments show up in their stream for
their friends to read, again serving as an indirect incentive to
get new fans. Besides which, comments help to create a solid sense
of community on your Facebook fan page and show new fans that it's
worth sticking around (and that you're a friendly and timely
* Learn what balance works best for those following you. Keep an eye
on the Facebook statistics to see how many readers stop following
you, or block the reading feed. Too many doing either of these
activities can be a sign that you're updating too frequently or
your content is off course.
* Equally, don't let you account stagnate; if you're heading off on
a 6 week cruise, have regular input fed into a third party program
such as Hootsuite, ready to upload regular content for you while
you're away. Suddenly popping up again out of the blue can cause
people to unlike your page because they'd forgotten you existed
and no longer have the same level of "trust" or interest in your
* Become part of an external social media networking community.
There are a number of social network communities springing up that
do nothing else but support one another's social media pages and
links in return for you doing the same for all the members. This
can be a highly beneficial way of getting trusted people who might
be have completely different business, hobby, or personal
interests from your own but who are willing to support you because
you belong to their community of trust. With such a network of
people spreading your Facebook fan page link around, you'll gain
more fans. Just be sure to return the favor.
Hire a community manager. If your page starts to grow enormously
and you don't have time for it, find someone who does. This is
vital for a company or business page, as regular and consistent
connecting with fans is necessary. Plus, you'll gain helpful
information from having a community manager analyze the statistics
of your fans and their responsiveness.
* Be sure that the person employed to be your community manager has
familiarity with Facebook; if not, have them trained before
unleashing them as they'll find it easier faster.
* Task this person with building and keeping relationships with the
fans. Relationships cannot be automated; they must be earned and
maintained. This includes answering or responding to comments left
on your fan page, dialoguing with regular or "power commenters"
(including following and sharing their other social media input),
giving people information, stories, opinions about things that are
of real interest in your area or industry and not just promoting
your own product or services, and now and then being talking
openly to people about what you're doing in your company or
business. Even the occasional humble "well, this didn't work!"
update can tighten your fan allegiance as they see your honesty
too. And always respond quickly to complaints.[2] All of this
interactive responsiveness provides a sense of connection for your
fans, and if you're doing this really well, you'll find your
readers start to bounce back ideas and opinions, that you can
learn and benefit from too.
Never miss an opportunity to promote your Facebook page for free.
There are several ways that you can be sure to get across the
message that you have a Facebook page worth visiting and "liking":
* Whenever you write _anything_ online, try to insert a link to your
Facebook page. Naturally, don't do this where it'd be considered
spamming or overkill but use it wherever it's appropriate, such as
at the end of a blog post, in a forum post, or as part of an
article explaining what you're mission is all about, etc. If
you're a guest blogger, ask the blog owner you're posting on if
they'd mind introducing you with a link to your Facebook page.
* Tell anyone in your team, company, or partnership to remember to
remind people to visit your Facebook page whenever they give a
speech, presentation, or talk.
* Add a link to your email signature line. In addition, add it to
anything you email out to site or blog followers, such as e-books,
newsletters, updates, etc.
* Add a link to social bookmarking sites.
Increase your fans with ads! Buy advertising. This can be helpful
where you're a company, business, or someone who sees the benefit of
spending a little to gain a wider reach for your Facebook page. Even
some hobbyists can see the benefit in doing this if they're
considering trying to make a living from blogging or running a
website online.
* Let Facebook advertise your page. If you're willing to pay a fee,
Facebook will promote your page and help attract more fans. It's a
good idea to promote something that is recent, updated, and
hopefully reflective of things happening currently. When tied to
current events or news, people will be more likely to want to view
your page. For example, say a major magazine or newspaper had just
run an article on a renowned celebrity getting sorted after being
bankrupt. Write a Facebook fan page post about dealing with
bankruptcy and put in associated keywords, with perhaps an image.
When Facebook suggests you "promote" the post, click on "Promote".
You'll now see the cost per impressions (CPM), and you can tweak
the keywords if needed. Make a decision as to whether you think
the cost is worth it, along with the length of time for
advertising; if it's worthwhile in your estimation, go for it. It
might even be worth running it just to see how many fans you gain
as a result. And those fans who "liked" your page as a result will
have their "like" showing to their friends, so you'll likely
gather up some more people even after your advertising ends.
* Buy Google ads that drive traffic direct to your Facebook page.
* Place ads in local newspapers, newsletters, magazines, or even TV
if you own a company.
Keep learning and stay genuinely interested in your fans. Facebook
continues to evolve, as do your own strategies and needs for your
fan page and your related online business or hobby pursuits. Keep
in mind the following important points as you continue to build
your fan page:
* Building a fan base takes time and dedication. It requires
constancy and consistency, as well as ensuring that you're also
reciprocating the efforts of the fans who are actively supporting
you and sharing the information and updates you're providing. If
you're patient and persistent, you will build a reputation as a
trusted Facebook "brand" and you'll start being noticed as a good
performer worthy of discussion in broader social media circles,
not just in relation to your product or service. There is nothing
more exciting than finding out you've hit someone else's blog or
article as an example of how to relate well on social media!
* As upgrades and changes are made, keep up with them and try to be
one of the first to either use them or critique them. This sort of
knowledge is looked upon with respect by those yet to adopt
changes, and you can easily become a leader in setting a new
trend. That will definitely get you new fans. It can also help to
ensure that you don't fall afoul of spamming or annoying other
Facebook users by not keeping up with changes that are implemented
to stop anyone misusing Facebook with too many marketing
strategies, and knowing that well in advance is a good thing for
your "brand".
!! Video !!
!! Tips !!
* Make sure to properly categorize your page. There is a difference
between pages that are "just for fun" and official business
groups. If you're confused, your fans will be too!
* Once you have a handful of fans, updating your page often can be
especially helpful for communicating with customers if your page
advertises a business such as a restaurant or bookstore. You might
even like to include vouchers, specials, and menus!
* Use any opportunity to insert your page URL into things, including
press releases, advertising signs, business cards, shop walls and
windows, public transportation advertising, etc. Think outside the
* It's possible to have private content for fans only on Facebook.
This is where you could post "deals" for products, video or photo
views, services, etc. If the reader hasn't "liked" the site yet,
the link will simply alert the reader to the fact that they need
to "like" the site in order to get the deal. Whether or not this
works for your page would really depend on the quality and
desirability of what you're offering and then you'd need to
maintain quality content to keep some of those folk who liked only
long enough to get what they wanted and then "unliked" your page
* Don't be afraid to be creative if you're a company or business;
finding creative ways to connect with your existing and potential
customers is still a learning process and part of that process
will include failing, which is fine too![3] What matters most is
that you keep trying by listening to, engaging with your fans and
being courageous enough to be honest about what doesn't work and
being ready to change for the better.
!! Warnings !!
* Don't spam other pages or groups with your links. Once is fine,
but repeated posts will likely be deleted and marked as spam. In
worst cases, you may be blocked from the page or group. And if
you're a company, this can result in a reputation hit.
* There is no such thing as easy marketing; put in the effort, and
you'll reap the rewards. Don't put in the effort, and things will
easily stagnate.
!! Related WikiHows !!
* How to Add Facebook Like to Blogger
* How to Add Facebook Like to WordPress
* How to Add Friends on Facebook
* How to Advertise on Facebook
* How to Create a New Facebook Group
!! Sources And Citations !!
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