The philosophy of happiness is the branch of philosophy that deals
with nature of happiness and the ways for attaining happiness.[1] It
is likely that the first philosopher who to develop a complete
philosophy of happiness was Aristippus of Cyrene, who lived from
435 BC to about 355 BC. Aristippus was a student of Socrates. He is
considered the founder of hedonism. The road to happiness is to
Aristippus, to maximize the pleasure, and to avoid the pain. He
claims, that physical pleasure is the true meaning of life.[2]
For Epicurus, who lived from 341 BC to 270 BC, the purpose of
philosophy was to create a happy, self-sufficient life surrounded by
friends. He recommends the path of the small pleasure. He became
famous by the phrase: "Send me a small piece of cheese, so that I
may indulge myself whenever I wish."[3] Epicurus taught the
importance of being frugal in external things (knowing your "point of
enough"), providing for the necessities of life, putting inner
happiness in the center of life, and working every day on improving
your mind. His goal was to overcome all fears and unnecessary desires
so as to live like a god (Buddha) among men.
Diogenes of Sinope, however, preferred an ascetic attitude. By
following an ascetic way of life, one can attain the state of inner
peace and inner happiness. One of the best-known anecdotes about him
is that he lived in a barrel, living like a yogi in a cave. Diogenes
was the first man who described himself as a "world citizen". He was
enlightened and had a cosmic consciousness. He saw himself in all
other beings and in the whole world, and was one with all. He lived
like in the manner described in yoga as "Sat-Chid-Ananda" (existence -
unity - bliss). This is the main secret of the enlightened ones. [4]
The above three philosophies form the three great ways of the
philosophy of happiness. Who is right? What is your way? This article
will help you to decide for yourself.
!! Steps !!
Think about your life. Ask the big questions about your life that are
so often left unanswered. What are your goals? What achievements do
you want to reach in your life?
* "My goals are ... " (insert healthy, wealthy and happy, many
friends, a good job, all should love me, I want to love me too,
happy travels, a big car, a big house, a world of love and peace,
eating for all, happiness for all, etc.).
* Reflect on inner and outer happiness. Recent happiness research
studies have discovered that 90 percent of happiness comes from
inside, with only 10 percent derived from outer things like a
great partner, a lot of money, or a big carreer.[5] As a
philosopher, invest your energy in a healthy life, in meditation,
in positive thinking, and in working for a happier world.
Think about enlightenment. Enlightenment is the greatest form of
happiness. Find your personal way of spirituality. Center your life
in God or in a higher reason like truth, love, inner happiness or
* What are the spiritual exercises you want to do daily? Some
suggestions include: yoga, meditation, reading, positiv thinking,
walking, praying, doing good, etc.
* Make a good plan for your life. In yoga there are four phases of a
full life: good learning in childhood; good work as adult; a good
relationship or family; and good self-realization. If you're
enlightened, you're happy at a high level. You know how to master
the crises of life and to grow in your inner happiness despite
such moments, and at all times. You live in love, peace, unity and
happiness. And you need no outer things to be happy. If they come
it is good. If they don´t come, it is also good. You're
independent from other people and outer wealth. But you can have
it, if you want. You only must know how to manage wise inner
happiness and outer pleasure.
Live as a philosopher of happiness. Desire inner happiness. You can
go the fast way to enlightenment like Diogenes (live like a yogi),
the middle way to enlightenment like Epicurus (live inner and outer
happiness at the same time) or the way to unenlightenment like
Aristippus (outer pleasure and inner suffering). It is likely that
one or other of the suggested ways resonates with you, or maybe
even a combination. It is recommended that you apply each
philosophical approach to your own life and experiences, to work
out what fits you best.
* Enlightenment is the central point to understanding the
philosophy of happiness. According to Swami Sivananda, there are
three main paths to enlightenment: the path of peace (live in
rest); the path of comprehensive love (do good); and the path of
practicing (yoga, meditation, reading, going).[6] The best way is
to practice all three ways. Everyone should find the spiritual
exercises that suit him well.
* In order to resolve our internal tensions and to awaken our inner
happiness, we need exercises for the body (yoga, walking,
meditation, etc.) and exercises for the mind (self-reflection,
thoughts control, doing good). Basically you reach enlightenment
(to a life in the light) through the personally tailored right
combination arising from meditation and mental work. The basic
principle of Epicurus was, "A philosopher lives like a god
(Buddha, Enlightened) among the people."[7] The most important
enlightenment technique for Epicurus, next to a life in stillness,
was daily positive thinking. Epicurus called it "philosophizing."
A life will be happy when we constantly think positive and live
with enough rest. A person should philosophize every day; think
about the meaning of life, reflect on your positive goals and
consistently go along your path of truth and wisdom.
* Think about life, try out, find your way and realize your inner
happiness. This is the essence of philosophy. Buddha, Diogenes,
Epicurus, Socrates and also Jesus showed us the path. We have to
go the way of inner happiness by ourselves. Let us all succeed.
May we all find our path of wisdom, love, peace and light.
!! Video !!
!! Tips !!
Enlightened Philosophers **Professor*: Whoever has tried
to get in line Epicurus and Buddha has misunderstood one of
these theories. There is no reincarnation. Epicurus was an
Yogi: I maintain, that the doctrine of enlightenment is the link
between Buddha and Epicurus and the central point in the understanding
of Epicurus and of the entire philosophy. You may doubt on the
possibility of reincarnation. Epicurus would have done so. Here he
made a mistake because his scientific knowledge was limited. To err is
human. People can make mistakes.
Epicurus was a theist and an atheist at the same time. Although he
believed in gods, he did not believe in a life after death. Epicurus'
letter to Menoeceus, "For there are gods, because we are able to
recognize them, but they are different than the people imagine."[8]
For me the gods are the enlightened ones. And here I see your main
problem. As you did not experience the enlightenment, you can not
understand the depth of the philosophy of Epicurus. You don´t see the
connection between Buddha and Epicurus. The essence of the path to
enlightenment is to live in the quiet and consistently work on the
thoughts. That we find at Buddha and at Epicurus. *Atheist*: Jesus
and Epicurus are different.
Yogi: Jesus and Epicurus are not contradictory. We can understand
Jesus and Epicurus as enlightened. To enlightenment you come through
sacrificing your ego. You have to take God (the enlightenment) as
being more important than your worldly wishes. You have to take the
happiness of the world as being more important than your own
happiness. This is the way of all-embracing love.
Jesus taught to love God (the goal of enlightenment) and to love your
fellow man (all beings). Epicurus taught how to live like a God
(Buddha) among the people and to give all people the knowledge of
inner happiness, "Friendship dances around the globe, proclaiming,
that we all shall awaken to bliss." [9] *Woman*: Epicurus died of
kidney stones, namely, of a psychosomatic illness; that would indicate
partnership problems.
Yogi: I suspect that Epicurus had worked too much on his emotions and
had suppressed them too much. That's what many spiritual people do and
also many supporters of positive thinking. I teach to live the
emotions in a way that is socially harmless. In my groups, I do yoga
regularly with anger and mourning practices. In particular, Epicurus
could have suppressed his sexual and relationship desires. I prefer a
gentle middle way, where you are centered in your spirituality (in
God, in the light), and also live enough of your physical and social
needs. This is not always easy for a small Yogi.
* The center of philosophy is the question of the meaning of life.
Who goes through life without this issue, lives unconscious. A
person is one only by thinking philosophically. Everyone should be
a philosopher. Blessed is the one, who finds his purpose of life
through his philosophical thinking. He can live wisely and
strategically. He will receive a full life. Live happily. Live
with the happiness research and the philosophy of happiness.
* On the path of inner happiness, all inner tensions dissolve. We
systematically resolve the tensions from the body and the mind. If
the spirit becomes free of his fears (attachment to suffering
situations) and desires (attachment to external pleasures), inner
peace appears. We get into a cosmic consciousness. Lasting inner
happiness evolves. We are content with ourselves and our lifes. We
have released all external things at a deeper level and thus
realize our true self
!! Warnings !!
* Philosopher Nils *Basically, the way of outer pleasure
and the way of inner happiness are opposites. Follow the right
principles of life. The way of the outer pleasure creates tensions
(a big ego, wishes, inner stress) and you become inwardly unhappy.
The path of the outer pleasure causes at the long-term a growth
into the inner unhappiness. We are never internally really
satisfied, and thus we seek to go more extreme the way of the
external pleasure. Until we recognize its failure.
* People are different and have different ways of inner happiness.
For some people it is good to live as an extreme ascetic
(Diogenes). For some people it is right to try the path of the
outer pleasure enough, until they are ready for the path of inner
happiness. For most people, a medium way with some outer joy is
the best spiritual way.
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!! Sources And Citations !!
* – research source
* – research source
* –
research source
– research source
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