Few people are blessed with a scriptwriter to
produce the perfect words and actions that will
have women swooning. In the movies, it seems so
straightforward. In some respects, it is,
provided you're genuine and focused on how much
she means to you. Knowing what to say and do to
make a woman's heart melt is one part listening,
one part knowing your woman inside-out, and one
part self-trust.
In this article, you'll learn some of the ways that can make a woman
melt, resulting in you remaining the most appealing man in her life
and her feeling as special as it's possible to feel.
!! Steps !!
* _ Respect her intelligence. Respecting a
woman's intelligence shows that you hold her in high personal
regard. This means putting aside the corny pick-up lines, gender
jokes or put-downs, setting side any laziness about pulling your
weight in daily chores, and refusing to make assumptions that she
wants to be babied. Flirt with her intelligence as much as her
beauty and sexiness and you'll make her melt.
Demonstrate that you're her friend. Friendship
is melt-worthy because it indicates your
intention to be by her side long-term
regardless of your status as partner or lover.
Being a friend shows that you're willing to be
there through thick and thin, that you're
trustworthy, and that you esteem her as someone
in whom you're willing to share the deepest
confidences. Letting her know that you count
her as a best friend will cause her to melt
because women place great value on friendships
and see friendship as being at the heart of any
good relationship.
* Tell her that she is your best friend, or the dearest friend
you've ever had. She will be filled with joy to hear this. Remind
her frequently.
Tell her how much she is appreciated. You can
never underestimate the power of appreciating
another person for who they are, particularly
the special woman in your life. It isn't enough
to just say that you're thankful to have her in
your life; it's important to spell out why. The
details matter because they go to the core of
who she is and how her essence is reflected in
your eyes. If you're able to produce one little
detail that reveals why you are personally
appreciative of the fact that she is in your
life, you will likely make her melt.
* Notice what she does to help others, including yourself, and make
a comment about how much you value her generosity and kindness.
Tell her that you really appreciate her ability to help and care
for others.
* Pay attention to her appearance changes – tell her you love her
new hair style or her new clothes. Paying attention to these sorts
of changes is awesome!
* Cherish the little things. Whenever you notice something small
that reminds you how much you appreciate her, say it rather than
just thinking it.
Compliment her often. One important way of
letting her know that you appreciate her is to
compliment her. Instant mood-boosters,
compliments are an important means for
reminding her how much you care and notice
about her. And the benefit of complimenting
another person is that noticing their good
points makes you feel good too. It's a
reciprocal delight!
* Be specific in your compliments. Instead of making a general
remark about how beautiful she is, pinpoint specific aspects of
her that amaze you, such as her eyes, her hair, the way she
smiles, etc. When you single out a particular reason for why you
like or love a person, it is far more effective than a generalized
* Ask questions that are a compliment. For example: "I love your
earrings, they are perfect with your outfit. Where did you find
them?" A question like this shows that you've noticed, that you
think she looks great, and that she has good taste.
* Keep complimenting her. The more compliments, the better!
Naturally, don't overdo the compliments and pile them on her in
the same hour but do keep complimenting her, even as you both
settle into a normal routine together. Compliments are a definite
way to keep the spark of love alive and thriving.
* Be sincere. If your compliments or comments are not meant
sincerely, they won't carry a genuine feeling and she'll pick up
on this lack of sincerity. Dale Carnegie once said: ""Flattery is
from the teeth out. Sincere appreciation is from the heart out";
only say things you feel in your heart and believe.
* Be magnanimous. Compliments beget compliments, so you can be sure
she'll return them.
* Listen to her. This means really listening,
so that you learn about her deepest fears, convictions, desires,
and hopes. Remember what she tells you and occasionally do
something that shows you've heard what her deepest wants are. And
always be prepared to listen to her viewpoint about things. Even
if you don't agree, it is vital to know the real reasons behind
her viewpoint so that you can reach a compromise. Simply knowing
you're prepared to listen and that you do is enough to cause most
women to melt.
Use body language to make her melt. There are a
lot of wonderful ways you can use to make a
woman melt just through touch and body
language. Remember that non-sexual touch is
very important for women and is something you
can put into play every day you see one
* Stroke, rub, or simply touch her arms, hands, and neck. A simple
touch as you go to the bathroom and return again when at dinner
together can do wonders.
* Stroke her hair. If it's windy, brush the hair out of her eyes and
off her face.
* Stand behind her, wrap your arms around her and hug her. You can
kiss her neck, whisper in her ear or nibble her ears as well, if
wished. Hold her hips with your hands.
* When she rolls over to go to sleep, kiss her in between her
shoulder blades. It's an erogenous zone.
* Squeeze her hand three times for "I - love - you."
* Kiss her eyelids, or give butterfly kisses (using your eyelashes)
on her cheeks.
* When introducing her to your friends and family, put your arm
around her. If you're talking to a female friend, pull your woman
closer to you. Or kiss her hand around your best buddies; that'll
convince her she's worth it. This form of protective outward love
* Hug her. Hugs are great for cheering her up, for saying hello, and
for reassuring her if she feels jealous.
* Give her random kisses for no reason.
* Flirt subtly in public. A public show of your affection and love
for her is a display of your pride in being with her, months and
years after the two of you first got together.
Ask for her help. It's not only flattering when
someone asks for your help but it's also an
indicator that you trust her enough to let down
that masculine guard and be vulnerable enough
to admit that you need help. It's
* Call her when you're feeling sad or down. She'll appreciate that
you're seeking solace in her love.
Be of help. Set aside assumptions that there
are defined gender roles in a household.
Lumping all the repetitive, tiring chores onto
one person is not only unfair but it soon turns
unsexy, for both of you. When you've made your
love nest together and the two of you are
raising little ones, here are some ways to keep
the woman in your life melting:
* Make her breakfast in bed on the weekend. It doesn't have to be a
special occasion. It's just because you love her.
* Do things without having to be asked. Take care of the vacuuming,
the pets, the pile of dishes. Repair broken stuff around the
house. Just do it, and don't crow about it.
* Pick her clothes up from the floor – this will charm her!
* Take the trash out. Without having to be asked, not even once.
* Take care of the kids for a day. Take them out and wear them out
so they come home exhausted and don't want to hassle her! Or, give
her the special delight of arranging an entire day of playing with
them and feeding them at home, allowing her to just sit back and
enjoy the sound of her children laughing and enjoying themselves
all day. This is a combination that will definitely make her heart
melt - you caring for the kids and them laughing with joy.
* Cook breakfast or dinner for the whole family. If you're not
already cooking for the family regularly, start making this a
regular routine. Cooking is a great way to unwind, especially if
you cook together, and taking turns in being responsible for
household meals is sexy.
* If she's sick, take care of her without asking. Make special
meals, fetch her mail, fluff up her pillows, rub her back, get the
temperature "just right", rent her favorite movies, and if you
have kids, tell her not to worry, you're taking care of
everything. And be understanding when she has PMS, not
* When she's tired, run her a warm bath with something scented in
the water. Massage her for a decent length of time - a half hour
minimum. Carry her to bed if she falls asleep anywhere else.
* Be humorous and witty. Humor easily melts a
woman's heart because you're demonstrating to her that you can
relax easily and see the funnier side of life. This disarms any
tension and helps her to learn that you don't take yourself too
seriously and that you're ready for a humorous take on even the
most challenging issues the two of you might face together. Laugh
a lot, and keep the warm smiles for her. And whenever she's
feeling down, do your level best to make her laugh.
Commission a statue of the two of youBe a creative gift giver.
Gifts are a lovely way to tell her that she's special, provided
they're thoughtful and unique in nature.
* Have the gift customized. For a small effort, you can make a
common gift a personalized one, such as having a special message
inscribed on a mug, t-shirt, or bracelet. Customization tells her
that you spent time putting thought into its creation. When you
combine that with a quick message: "I want you to know that I
appreciate everything you do. I probably should tell you more. I
think you're the complete package. So I'm giving you this bracelet
to show how much I appreciate you", she'll melt.
* For flowers, don't just buy the first bundle the florist has on
offer. Go out of your way to select flowers that you know she
loves, and find less used ones, such as violets or freesias. To
really warm the cockles of her heart, make a bundle of flowers
from flowers you took the time to pick yourself!
* If you're going to give chocolates, choose handmade ones from a
hard-to-find artisan chocolate shop. Or go all out and make them
* Remember your anniversaries and arrange ways to celebrate them.
And tickle her pink by mentioning an upcoming anniversary before_
she does!
* Try to ensure she receives all "traditional" gifts from you early
on in a relationship (for example, the stuffed animal, your
sweater or sweatshirt, and a piece of jewelery). This is a form of
initial reassurance that you're serious; after which, get
_ Tell her how beautiful she isSay things that make women melt.
Saying things that make her melt is very dependent on who she is
and how well you know her. There isn't a one-size-fits-all
formula but it is possible to provide some general sweet
somethings that women themselves have said they melt when they
hear! Here are some of you might like to try:
* Acknowledge her sense of humor. Tell her: "Sweetie, you make me
* Ask her "How was your day?" It's surprising how many times people
forget this simple nicety. Yet, it means a lot because it's an
open invitation to talk about oneself. And try to ask specific
questions about her work or her day raising your children.
* If you've been apart a few days, tell her you miss her. Something
like: "Can't wait to see you; it feels like an eternity".
* If things have been flagging a little lately in the romance
department, tell her: "Honey, I want to increase the romance in
our lives."
* In public, say loud enough for people around you to hear:
"Sweetie, I love you." And kiss her.
* Call her for no other reason than to say: "I love you." Add an "I
love you" in the middle of a conversation.
* Tell her what you love about her body. For example: "Darling,
you've got such an incredible body. Are you sure we've had three
kids and 10 years together?"
* Let her know she is beautiful. Telling a woman she is beautiful
(and not just nice, pretty, or cute) is one of the most
melt-worthy things you can say. Spice it up with "You are the most
beautiful woman I've even known".
* Tell her there's no one else like her. She's unique. And that
nobody else in the world is as right for you as she is. Everyone
likes being told how special they are. This is an especially
powerful tonic if she's feeling insecure.
* When you're getting ready to propose, tell her: "I cannot wait to
spend every moment of my entire life with you."
* Tell her that she makes you_ melt.
Enjoy each other's company and seek to have fun
together. Sometimes it can be tempting to make
a relationship too serious in its focus, or to
try and be a serious couple in a way you think
conforms to societal expectations, thereby
deadening the spontaneity and fun in your lives
together. Always take time to reinject fun into
your being together, no matter how long you've
been a couple.
* Doing what she wants to do, especially the things she finds fun,
is a ready-made way to make her melt. Put aside what you'd rather
be doing and indulge her. This includes seeing a chick flick once
in a while.
* Take her to your favorite sport, spend more time talking to her
(even it's to explain the sport) than watching it.
* Do crazy things together once in a while to shake things up.
Unexpected surprises will thrill her heart!
!! Tips !!
* Use endearments regularly. Your own special words for one another
are a reminder of the unique love for one another and it's
important to continue using these even as your relationship turns
into everyday living.
* Tell her that you love her regularly. It's a cliche, but few of us
tell each other often enough that we love one another. It can't
ever hurt to say it but it certainly helps when you do!
* Some women melt when they hear an accent other than the one
surrounding them daily. Scottish, Irish, French and Southern
American accents are apparently beguiling. Naturally, this is
likely to work in your favor only if the accent in question is
native, although putting on an accent for fun might work for a
humorous few hours.
* Take her on a vacation. Book everything, create a small portfolio
of the trip and ask her to "Close your eyes, open your eyes, look
where I'm taking you", placing the intinerary in her hands. If
she's a hard worker who worries about time availability, try to
clear the vacation time with her boss first.
* Some of the cute names women report as liking include: Kitten,
love, sweetheart, sweetie, babe, gorgeous, an actual nickname,
darling/darlin' , puss, princess, silly billy, etc.
* Sing to her. Serenading a woman is an age-old tradition that melts
hearts. Better still, ask her to dance with you.
* Ask to see a photo of her from her childhood if you haven't seen
one already. Ask to see the whole album!
* Know what her favorite foods are. When you go grocery shopping
together, add them to the cart as an automatic reflex. It'll send
shivers of delight down her spine!
* Be kind to her pets and be real – they're not a source of
* If you call her on the phone and she's crying, go around and see
her rather than trying to cheer her up on the phone alone.
* If you spend time looking up pick-up lines and love lines online,
also take the time to sift through them very carefully to discard
the trite, the lame, the obvious, the inappropriate, and the
downright silly. You know your woman best – do her a favor by
reflecting your love, not your cliches.
!! Warnings !!
* Stay away from cliched romance. At the right moments, occasional
flattery and gifts do work well. Nevertheless, don't shower her
with cliche and trite compliments, grand statements of love, and
gifts like jewelry or flowers. You may be in jeopardy of having
such gifts lose their value or meaning.
* Never get her name wrong.
* Never cheat on a woman. She will find out eventually.
* Don't sleep and tell; she's not your "trophy".
* Don't return play slaps; just laugh and say "you're funny", or
something similar. Tickling is fair game, however.
* Never flirt with her family members.
!! Related WikiHows !!
* How to Read Women's Body Language for Flirting
* How to Flirt With Younger Women
* How to Flirt With Women
* How to Date Women With Kids
* How to Accessorize Women's Clothing
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