Prevention is better than cure, they say. It's all well and
good curing a hangover [1], but wouldn't it be better not to
have it in the first place?
!! Steps !!
Lots and lots of beer... it can be a bad idea Know your limits and
stick to them. The hard reality is that seventy five percent of
people who imbibe alcohol to intoxication will have a hangover the
next day.[1] [2] A hangover is nature's way of clearing the toxins in
alcohol [3] from your body, so the more you pour in, the nastier the
hangover will be. The number of alcoholic beverages it takes to reach
a state of intoxication varies from person to person and knowing your
own limits is important. It's recommended that you don't have more
than three beverages in any 1 to 2 hour period, and no more than five
beverages in one night.[2] [4]
* If you're a woman or of Asian descent, you might want to consider
having a little less because your metabolism makes you more
susceptible to hangovers [5]. Women tend to have a lower metabolic
rate due to a higher ratio of body fat and Asians tend to have
lower levels of alcohol dehydrogenase, an enzyme that breaks down
alcohol.[2] [6]
* Pay attention to how different types of alcohol affect you. No
matter what the studies say, every person's ability to metabolize
alcohol differs and you'll know by experience which beer, wine,
spirit, or liqueur works for you or plays havoc with your body.
Listen [7] to your own body's reactions and take care accordingly.
* Keep in mind that regardless of all the following suggestions, the
key solution to hangover prevention is always paying attention to
quantity – the less alcohol consumed, the better your chances of
avoiding a hangover.
A tasty meal before heading out to drink is a good idea Eat before
going out so alcohol isn't absorbed as quickly.[1] [8][2] [9] Eating
food helps to reduce the acetaldehyde in your stomach [10], and it is
the acetaldehyde that is thought to be the main cause of
hangovers.[3] [11] Eat a proper meal, not just a greasy snack.
* Have a glass of milk [12] before alcohol. It coats the lining of
your stomach and slows the absorption of alcohol.[1] [13]
Mixing drinks is more likely to cause a hangover Stick with one type
of alcohol. Variety is not the spice of life in terms of a
hangover.[1] [14] Staying with one type of alcohol will ensure that
you're not mixing up the various additives, flavorings, and other
elements in different types of alcohol, which can all increase the
chances of forming a hangover cocktail. Aim to enjoy a beer night
_or_ a vodka night _or_ a wine night _or_ a rum night. Cocktails [15]
are likely to bring you problems if you have too many because they
mix alcohol types, so stick with having only one or two during the
entire event. Lighter colored alcohol might be better
than darker for you Choose light liquors (for example, vodka [16] or
gin) over dark liquors (for example, brandy or whiskey). Light
liquors have fewer "congeners" (a minor toxic chemical element of
alcohol that gives it its distinctive characteristics), which
contribute to hangovers.[1] [17] Overall, alcoholic beverages with
more chemicals produce worse hangovers, and red wine [18] is one of
the worst culprits.[4] [19] One study found that hangover symptoms
varied by the type of alcohol consumed: (in order of decreasing
severity) brandy, red wine, rum, whiskey, white wine, gin [20],
vodka, and pure ethanol.[5] [21]
* Choose less concentrated alcoholic beverages. Beer is better than
shots of whiskey, for example.[6] [22]
Enjoy bubbly in moderation Be careful with the bubbly. Champagne and
sparkling wine can literally go straight to your head. Studies have
shown that the effects of bubbles in alcohol increases the delivery
of alcohol through your system and cause you to become intoxicated
faster.[3] [23] If you can resist, perhaps leave the champagne for
the toast and drink a different alcohol for the rest of the event.
* Stick with non-carbonated mixers. Just as with bubbly alcohol,
carbonated mixers accelerate alcohol absorption.[1] [24]
Water between every drink slows the pace and absorption Stay
hydrated [25]. Alcohol makes you urinate more, which can lead to
dehydration. Have a glass of water before, during, and after
consuming alcohol. The processes that break down alcohol also produce
lactic acid and other chemicals that interfere with the production of
glucose (sugar) and electrolytes; that's why drinking sports
beverages can be a good idea.[2] [26] Avoid caffeinated beverages;
these also make you urinate more. Caffeine [27] can also lead to
diarrhea and a stuffy head when combined with alcohol.[3] [28] While
not generally serious side effects, they can certainly add to the
punch of the hangover symptoms.
* Have one glass of water after each alcoholic beverage. Doing so
keeps you hydrated and can also slow your alcohol consumption.[2]
[29] Always keep a glass of water handy, or even keep the water in
your hand and put down the alcoholic drink to drink just now and
then. By actively making a choice to sip on water in between
drinks, you lengthen the time taken to finish the alcoholic drink
and you still have something to occupy your hands in a social
* Drink at least a pint (almost half a liter) of water before going
to bed.[3] [30]
Happiness is its own reward Be happy [31]. Research suggests that
guilt about alcohol consumption, a neurotic personality, becoming
angry or depressed while consuming alcohol, and having suffered
"negative life events" in the past 12 months are better predictors of
symptoms of hangovers than how much or what alcohol you consume
during the night![5] [32] Stay chilled, enjoy the occasion for the
socializing opportunities that it presents, and vary your drinking
with other activities.
* Walk around talking to people, dance [33], listen carefully to the
music and what people have to say, and find the healthy nibbles.
These are all good ways to distract yourself from relying on
alcohol to enjoy the evening and they are also helpful in
preventing you from drinking without thinking.
Add back in what alcohol takes out Eat a healthy breakfast. If you
managed to keep the hangover at bay or at a minimum, eat a breakfast
with fruit [34], wholegrain toast, and honey. These healthy foods
will restore the lost potassium, fructose and sodium caused by
alcohol.[3] [35]
* Taking over-the-counter rehydration sachets or rehydration tablets
with vitamins added can help improve your salt loss.
!! Video !!
!! Tips !!
* In terms of amount of alcohol consumed, 12 oz of beer = 5 oz of
wine = 1.5 oz of spirits. Don't think you're imbibing less because
you're having white wine instead of Jack Daniels and Coke.
* Keep a large bottle of water by the bed you're crashing or
sleeping on. When you'll wake up during the night or in the
morning, you will be craving for water, but the headaches or
someone throwing up in the bathroom will keep you from getting up
or walking to get your water. Water by the bed is comfortable and
makes the morning a lot more pleasant.
* Cheese and nuts are good foods to eat because the high fat content
slows the absorption of alcohol. When in a bar, eat slowly while
you drink.
* Avoid smoking. Smoking constricts your lungs and decreases the
oxygen flow to your blood stream.
* Rehydrate with plenty of water, it helps keep you hydrated and
flush some of the alcohol out of your system, the less drunk you
are when you fall asleep the less hungover you will be (generally)
* Try drinking a sports drink such as Gatorade™ before going to
bed, and perhaps even having one on waking up. It works for some
* Some people find that taking a capsule of milk thistle helps
alleviate hangover symptoms.[3] [36] The research is still out on
this one but if it works for you, then use it.
* Paracetamol can help with the hangover headache; choose the
soluble type so that it gets into your bloodstream faster but
avoid taking it with caffeinated drinks as this can harm your
liver, especially with alcohol still in your system.[3] [37] See
"Warnings" below on using aspirin and ibuprofen.
* If your stomach is upset, use over-the-counter antacid treatments.
* Take a walk in the fresh air to keep your head clear. This will
help you to access more oxygen to help break down the alcohol
toxins.[3] [38]
* One Mediterranean remedy is to drink a spoonful of olive oil
before drinking.[7] [39] This is a fairly hard ask for most people
!! Warnings !!
* Just because you've taken preventative steps, that doesn't mean
you won't get drunk. Always drink responsibly [40].
* Always read the label on vitamins or any other drugs, especially
the health warnings, to ensure that there will be no adverse side
effects when mixed with alcohol.
* Be careful when consuming alcohol and caffeine. Too much caffeine
mixed with too much alcohol can lead to a severe, and possibly
fatal, increase in heartbeat.
* Using "Chaser" or any other congener-blocking drug does not
prevent individuals from getting drunk. They only prevent or
lessen the effects of a hangover.
* Avoid taking ibuprofen or aspirin. These can irritate your stomach
lining even more than usual when alcohol is present in your
system.[3] [41]
* While consuming fatty foods and fat may seem to help to prevent a
hangover, alcohol consumption combined with fat consumption can
place added stain on your already overloaded digestive system.
It's a better idea to ease off the fatty foods until the hangover
has cleared up.
!! Things You'll Need !!
* Ability to keep track of how many drinks you've had; perhaps ask a
friend to help monitor if you're finding it hard to resist
!! Related WikiHows !!
* How to Get Rid of a Hangover [42]
* How to Avoid Alcohol While at College [43]
* How to Politely Turn Down a Drink From Your Host [44]
* How to Make Martinis [45]
* How to Brew Your Own Beer [46]
* How to Make a Michilada [47]
!! Sources And Citations !!
!! Article Tools !!
* Read on wikiHow
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