Monday, 20 December 2010

How to Get Monotonous Jobs Done Accurately and Quickly

How to Get Monotonous Jobs Done Accurately and Quickly

Dull, tedious, boring, dreary, monotonous, dull... dull...
dull... It's a boring job, but someone's gotta do it. How
do you get through the day when work is a drudge - but shine
doing it? Read on.

!! Steps !!

If the shoe fits, get on with the task Understand the value of
getting a boring task done well. A boring job is a job that still
needs to be done. If you do the boring jobs carefully and with an eye
to quality, your boss will notice. If your work is shoddy and
apathetic, you'd better believe your boss will notice that, too.
You're hired to do that boring job so your boss doesn't have to - but
if you don't do it right, _he_ or _she_ will have to clean up your
mess and that will create tension. Even the most tedious job is
important, otherwise, you wouldn't have been hired to do it.

* Displaying boredom will only prolong the agony Adjust
your mindset. Boring jobs are not all bad. Look at it this way: at
least you don't have to take the job home with you, or worry about
how the company's bills are being paid. You can go to work, do
your job, and go home - free of worry or care and knowing that
there will be more boring work for you to do tomorrow!
Getting started counts for everything Organize the task.
Let's set up an actual job scenario. The job is to take a
whole bunch of blueprints rolled in brown paper, organize
and label them so they can be found later. You are given
a job name, a reference number, and a job description,
and you're told to make a sheet (from a form they have)
so the prints can be checked out later on. Until they're
checked out, you have to store them, so you will need to
tag them with the labels. Let's organize the task:

* Alphabetize: Sort the rolls out from A to Z.

* Create the sign-out sheet: Write down the name and reference
number on the sheet, and figure out how many rolls go with this
job. If you get, say, 6 copies of each, and there are 6 rolls, you
know that each set is contained in one roll. If you have 12 rolls,
noting that on the sheet will tell anyone checking them out later
that they need _two_ rolls to make one complete set.

* Make the labels: Neatly copy the information from the sign-out
sheet. And here's a tip: Let's say each set of blueprints needs
_two_ rolls, as stated above. Instead of trying to remember how
many labels you just made, count the blanks that you will need
_first_ and set them aside. You will need 12 for this example. If
you set them aside, you can just copy until you run out. That way,
you don't need to stop and recount, wasting time.

Try to find method within the madness Divide the job into manageable
sections. A long, monotonous job goes along much easier if you divvy
it up into smaller chunks that you can finish a bit at a time. Not
only does this give you the feeling of making progress faster, but it
also prevents mistakes or missed details. Once each part of the job
is complete, stop and check it over for accuracy before moving on.
_ Keep the working space clear for the task at hand Gather
your materials together. Look over the entire scope of the job you've
been given. If dividing it into portions, divide the materials
accordingly. Pull everything you will need for each part of the job
together as you get to the corresponding part of the job. This
includes your tools - have what you need ready. Note: Only_ have
what you need. Don't clutter your workspace with stuff you don't need
until later - for example, if you're stuffing envelopes, you don't
need stamps right now. Put the stamps aside, out of your way. Stuff
the envelopes. Seal the envelopes. Turn them over. *Now* go and get
the stamps. ... Oh, and don't leave clutter from the previous part of
the job.

* As each part is complete, strike and re-stage; in other words,
clear out and put away all tools that are no longer needed, and
any surplus materials. Once your work area is clear, gather tools
and supplies for the next phase of the job.

* Music can improve your work mood Listen to music as you
work. Sometimes, putting on some motivational music can really
help "unfocus" you from distractions so that you can truly focus
on the job at hand. If the music is rhythmic and upbeat, you will
work "to the beat" - that means, don't use sleepy, plaintive,
ambient, or atmospheric stuff; instead, use dance music or
energetic pop, or whatever will get you moving.

* Take a quick break now and then Stay loose. Take breaks
once per hour or hour and a half. Stand up, stretch, get a glass
of water, clear your head. Don't waste a lot of time, just loosen
up so you can get back to the task with fresher eyes and an
uncramped body.

* Double check before finishing up Quality check every
detail. Before you consider your job finished, get up, take the
aforementioned break, loosen up, and get re-focused and ready to
check the final product. If the job is complex or has many fine
details, get a co-worker to check it for you before you turn it
in. This final check is critical to assuring that even the most
tedious of jobs is done with accuracy and care.

!! Video !!

!! Tips !!

* Use your time on a tedious job well. Your mind can safely wander,
once you get the routine of what you're doing down. Particularly
in jobs that just require someone to physically do them, where
there are a small number of steps and it's almost impossible to
make a mistake (you could, it's supposed, put an empty envelope
out to be mailed), daydreaming about your future prospects is not

!! Warnings !!

* Doing a crummy job will not advance your career. And doing a
crummy job on something that could cause injury to someone later
is morally reprehensible. If you really can't handle the tedium,
get a less boring job.

!! Things You'll Need !!

* Pondering time

* Organizational ability

* Discipline

* Small music player with suitable music

!! Related WikiHows !!

* How to Choose a Suitable Job Position

* How to Make It Through the Day at a Boring Job

* How to Adjust to a New Job

* How to Be a Good Employee

* How to Accept Criticism While at Work

!! Article Tools !!

* Read on wikiHow



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