Thursday, 23 December 2010

How to Sleep when You Are Excited

How to Sleep when You Are Excited

Is there something about to happen the next day that's
making you too jumpy and excited to be able to get to sleep?
Excitement can ward off sleep as successfully as worry and
give you cause to worry that you'll be too tired to enjoy
the event! Here are some tips and tricks to help you calm
your nerves so that you can finally drift off to sleep.

!! Steps !!

Plan to go to bed at your regular time. Unless you need to catch a
plane at 3 in the morning, going to bed earlier isn't likely to help
because you'll probably use the extra time for thinking about what's
about to happen. Go through the usual bedtime routine, and avoid the
computer and TV at least one hour prior to going to bed, so that
you're not over-stimulated.

* Ensure that all your regular chores and routine is completed
before heading to bed. In the excitement, you might forget to do
something, such as locking the front door. The risk is that just
as you're drifting off, you'll remember all of a sudden that you
haven't done something that needed to be done and you'll arouse
yourself and possibly find it hard to get back to sleep.

Take a warm bath or shower. Having a nice relaxing, warm bath or
shower can help calm your mind and your body. Do this as part of
your bedtime routine, so that your body warms up and feels calmer.
Have a pair of fresh, clean pajamas or night clothes ready to make
going to bed more appealing.

Drink some warm liquids. Having a small warm drink can help soothe
you. Good drinks include a little warmed milk, an herbal tea (or
other non-caffeinated tea), a weak hot chocolate (remember that it
contains caffeine though). Avoid caffeinated drinks and if you're
prone to getting up during the night to visit the bathroom, you
might wish to skip this step.

Be sure that you're warm enough or cool enough. Being too cold or
too hot can cause you to stay awake so adjust the bed clothes and
your night wear accordingly.

* Check that windows are open or closed as needed, to allow for
appropriate cooling and heating. Do this check before getting into

Distract yourself from thoughts of the upcoming event. Give your
mind something else to concentrate on such as reading a book,
working on a puzzle, or doing some math problems. Avoid anything
over-stimulating, such as starting chapter one of your new
rip-racing novel. Find distracting activities that displace the
thoughts in your mind and help to weary your mind at the same time.
After such activities, it is often much easier to feel tired and
fall asleep.

Listen to soft music. Turn on some music and listen to a soothing
song with your eyes closed while you are lying down. Keep the volume
low and only listen to quiet and gentle music at this time of night.
Music with the sounds of the ocean or bird song can be helpful for

Try gradual relaxation of your body. If you just cannot take your
mind off the exciting event, try relaxing your body one part of a
time. Start with the toes and visualize relaxing them and let them
relax; do the same for your feet, ankles, lower legs, legs, stomach,
torso, fingers, hands, arms, neck, then head. Work your way up
relaxing each part of the body gradually until all of your body is
relaxed. This is both a mental exercise and a body relaxing
exercise, so hopefully you're ready to drift off at the end of it.
Imagine yourself somewhere else... Try deep breathing.
Deep breathing exercises can help relax you and are simple to do
while lying down. Make sure you're comfortable before starting and
let the breathing distract you from your thoughts.

* Read How to breathe deeply for instructions.

!! Tips !!

* If the big event is happening in the morning and you really want
to go to bed early, have some enjoyable reading material and read
it in bed before settling down to sleep. While relaxing and
reading, your body may feel readier to sleep earlier than usual.
On the whole though, it is best to follow your normal sleep
pattern and go to the bed the same time you normally do.

* Check that the room temperature is not too hot or cold; this can
impact your ability to get to sleep.

!! Warnings !!

* Do not drink anything an hour before you plan on going to sleep,
or eat anything three hours before.

* Try to avoid any drinks that contain caffeine that evening.

!! Things You'll Need !!

* Book

* Music

* Hot drink

* Warm bath or shower

* Suitable bed linen (warm enough, cool enough)

!! Related WikiHows !!

* How to Sleep Better

* How to Manage Your Excitement

* How to Sleep Comfortably in a Car

* How to Relax Before An Exciting Event

* How to Calm Your Imagination Before Sleep

* How to Fall Asleep when You Have Things on Your Mind

!! Article Tools !!

* Read on wikiHow



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