Monday, 18 October 2010

How to Get Rid of Weevils (Flour Bugs)

How to Get Rid of Weevils (Flour Bugs)

_ Have you found creepy crawlies in your pantry? Don't wait;
they lay many_ eggs! Here is how to remove weevils and keep them

!! Steps !!

Freeze the flour. When you bring home flour, freeze it for the first
96 hours or four days.[1] Place the flour inside a freezer bag and
seal. Remove and store as usual. The freezing process will kill off
any eggs and any weevils already present in the flour.

Place a dried bay leaf in each container or bag of stored flour.
This will discourage weevils from infesting the flour.[2]

Keep flour in canister type containers with lids.[3] Storing flour
in a container with a lid can prevent spread of weevil infestations
through the pantry.

Use flour regularly. Leaving flour in the pantry too long will
encourage pest infestation. The faster it is used, the fresher it is
and the changes for infestation are minimized.

* Only purchase the amounts of flour that you'll use within a month
or two. Any more than this and you risk weevil infestations.

* Rotate older products to the front, newer at the back so that
you're using up older products first at all times.

Upon discovering an infestation, stay calm. You won't get much done
if you're shrieking and acting all grossed out. The bugs do not
bite, sting, and they're not harmful to you.

Remove _all_ food from the cabinet or pantry. Throw away all
contaminated food, and any food that might be contaminated. Food
beyond flour that should be checked in particular includes sugar,
grains, dried beans and legumes, and breakfast cereals.

Clean shelves and containers thoroughly after an infestation.

* Remove shelf paper (if necessary).

* Wipe all areas clean with soapy water. Get all corners and

* Rinse with water. Bleach, if preferred.

* Wipe over with eucalyptus oil or ti-tree oil to discourage the
weevils from resurfacing.

Reline shelves with shelf paper once the shelves are dried.

Put all the food back. Place a few bay leaves in the cabinet as
well as the canister, to deter future infestation.

!! Video !!

!! Tips !!

* Do not throw contaminated food away in a kitchen. Throw it
outside, or else your problem may come back.

* Don't microwave the flour; weevils survive and simply run
everywhere. If you want to use heat, use the oven. Place the flour
in the oven at 130ºF/54.4ºC for half an hour[4], or 120ºF /
48.8ºC for one hour.[5]

* Return flour when weevils appear in it only a few weeks after
purchase; this means it was milled at least half a year ago and is
old stock.

* It is possible to eat flour that has obvious weevils in it; it's
simply "insect protein" and you've already eaten non-obvious
weevils without knowing so as they're present in most flour in the
form of eggs and exoskeletons.[6] Doing so grosses out a lot of
people though, including vegetarians! It won't harm you; it just
depends on how frugal, iron-stomached, or desperate you're

* Pyrethrin can be sprayed on the shelves but all food and
containers must be removed and waiting periods on the pyrethrin
product should be followed carefully before returning food.

!! Warnings !!

* Remove contact paper and replace with new contact paper. Weevils
might hide under it otherwise.

* If you vacuum the shelves, empty the bag outside and get rid of
the contents immediately.

!! Things You'll Need !!

* Storage containers

* Plastic freezer bags

* Bay leaves

!! Related WikiHows !!

* How to Freeze Cauliflower And/or Broccoli

* How to Keep Fresh Vegetables Fresher Longer

* How to Preserve Herbs

* How to Sterilize Bottles and Jars for Preserves

* How to Get Rid of Ants

!! Sources And Citations !!

!! Article Tools !!

* Read on wikiHow



Anaya said...

This blog is really great. The information here will surely be of some help to me. Thanks!. get rid of ants

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