Thursday, 27 January 2011

How to Deal With a Coworker Who Leaves Things Until the Last Minute

How to Deal With a Coworker Who Leaves Things Until the Last Minute

Someone once quipped that 90 percent of the work
is usually done by 10 percent of the people. If
this true, and you're pulling the weight for
yourself and a coworker, it's time to take charge
and nudge that coworker into getting work done at
an even pace so that you're not left high and dry
or stressed out. Here are some suggestions for
dealing with a coworker who leaves things until
the last minute.

!! Steps !!

_ Talk to your coworker about it. Before trying
to manage the situation, see if it's possible to discuss it in a
polite and sensitive [1] way. Be subtle and avoid using any language
or insinuations that your coworker is at fault or is working in a
substandard manner. The reality is that this coworker may well be
getting the work done but their method of timing causes you or other
people unnecessary stress because you're waiting on their input.
Explain how important it is for both of you to have everything done on
time and to have the work under control, perhaps so that there is time
to do checks and make any necessary corrections. Be nice, be friendly
[2], and keep the scolding tone completely out of your voice. For

* "Hey Simpson, I love your work and last week's results proved that
your ideas are sensational. I just wanted to ask a favour – I
was hoping we might be able to start scheduling our completion
date for days prior to the real deadline, to give us time to work
in changes and updates. It's hard for me to do everything at the
last minute because if I feel pressured [3], I tend to panic and
make obvious mistakes that aren't so obvious to me at the time.
It'd be really helpful for me if we could change the pace to make
it a little less pressured and to give us that extra space for
finalizing things. What do you think about this idea?"_

* _ Choose a friendly and enjoyable location to
discuss the matter. Take your coworker out for a coffee or for
lunch [4], to somewhere nice where talking about the matter is
easier and not pressured. It'll also be a lot more familiar and
your coworker will be more likely to see the human side to your
request, especially when you explore how the pressure they're
creating impacts on you.

* Be sure that you're not a cause for concern
on the pressure front. Do your own work on time. You can't try to
make your coworker work according to a time frame if you don't. Be
responsible about your work [5], be realistic about timing, and
set a good example by being on time within the confines of what is
under your control.
Be thoughtful [6] about your coworker's
working style. It's a fact of life that some
people thrive on the last minute pressure a
deadline [7] brings to kick them into real
action. Prior to that point, it may not seem
as real for such a person and in many cases,
the pressure genuinely brings about amazing
work because the person tends to focus. The
way around this is to keep the discussion to
how it impacts your own working style and the
need for both of you to reach a compromise.
Yet, working together is a two-way interaction
and your coworker also has a responsibility to
fit into the workplace needs. One way of
helping directly can be to guide [8] your
coworker to learn more about time management
and to carefully explain the ways in which
spending time on interruptions, non-productive
and trivial activities could be shifted to
planning, preparing, and preventing last
minute cramming.

* Suggest that your coworker might like to read Stephen Covey's book
First Things First_. This is a popular book that explains time
management techniques. If they don't like reading, suggest the
audio version for their MP3 player [9]; they can discover the ease
of time management on the trip home!

* Suggest that your coworker have a read of these articles: How to
develop your sense of time [10], How to avoid common time
management mistakes [11], and How to organize your day more
efficiently [12].

* Offer to help your coworker transition to a more timely method of
working if it seems appropriate. Don't stick your nose where it's
not wanted though; judge everything by the context, the person
involved, and the hopefulness of reforming their tardiness.

_ Begin to pressure your coworker. If the
discussing and attempts at reaching a compromise seem to have been
for naught, it's time to apply some pressure. Stop waiting until
your co-worker feels like doing their job,and start calling them
regularly asking if the work has been completed within the time span
that is objectively [13] reasonable. Every time you call, email, or
talk to your coworker, remind your them that your performance and
timeliness is important for you and that you really care about
things being done the right way at the right time. Again, remain
polite [14] but emphasize why this matters to you. You might say
something like:

* "Pearl, you remember how we talked about getting things done on
time last week? I'd really like to make sure we stick to that
because it's already Thursday, the report's due in the morning and
well, it seems we've only managed half of it by noon today and
that's pushing things too much for me. I don't like having to stay
back after work to tidy it up, especially since it's my cousin
Gertrude's coming out party tonight and she expects me to be her
emcee. It also matters to me that old Johnno sees we're working
effectively as a team [15] and that my timeliness is not under
scrutiny for something I'm responsible for."_

_ If you want something to be done well, do it
yourself. If your coworker is not helping after you talked to them,
you have to start doing whatever you can to have things done the
right way, even if it means to do their job *one time*_. And before
you start thinking that this is going to turn into an excuse [16]
for your coworker to force you to do their work every time, don't.
Only do this once, ever. After that, go to your coworker and tell
them what it cost you in terms of time, energy, resources, and
fulfillment to complete their tasks on time to a satisfactory
standard. While being polite, be firm and point out the facts of the
situation clearly. Firmly tell your coworker that this is the last
time you pick up the pieces and request that the two of you try
again to make this work. It may also help to insist politely that if
this situation happens again, you'll feel obliged to take the matter
up with your supervisor [17] or boss to work out an arrangement that
is fairer to you. You might say something like this to your

* _"Vigo, thanks for the first part of the plan but I really needed
to see the middle and end parts by 4pm today. I am due to catch a
plane at 8pm this evening and so I decided I'd finish the plan
myself in order to get it in on time before I leave. But I'm not
doing this ever again; the pressure was too great and I haven't
even had time to pack underpants for this trip interstate and I'll
be worrying [18] about the other things I didn't get done as a
result of spending extra time on finalizing this plan. In future,
could you please at least let me know you're not ready a few days
before so that we can do something about it much earlier.
Seriously mate, I love your work and I love working with you, but
if this keeps up I'm going to have to ask Ms Molloy if some other
arrangement can be worked out so I don't get so stressed

* Be serious about it. If it is not working for you two, you _have_
to do something about it, and after all, you have already talked
to them before and given them the opportunity to change tactics.

_ Give your co-worker the last chance to do
things right. Everyone deserves a last chance, so before you go
ahead and talk to your boss [19], see how your coworker responds
the next time around to another situation that requires timeliness.
If all works out, then it could be terrific, and it at least proves
that your coworker can manage to be timely and you get to remind
the co-worker of this. Cease pressuring your coworker if they've
received the message and responded but do maintain vigilance and
give adequate reminders of timing to keep them on track. Until you
see that they've really changed track, you'll need to remain
vigilant. Your reminder [20] might be something like this:

* "Sally, that was terrific the way you handled the X job on time. I
was so impressed and I knew you could do it! And this Y job is
pretty similar and I just know you're going to be able to pull off
the same approach within the time frame we've discussed, so I'm
looking forward to adding my part from noon tomorrow. Thanks!"_

_ If your coworker doesn't improve their
approach to timeliness of work, talk to your boss about it. It's not
fair for you to deal with this kind of things at work. You have
already done everything you can. This doesn't have to be a case of
"ratting out" your coworker. First, this is about your working
comfort as much as anything else. Second, realize that you can
approach your boss and explain how great your coworker is at X, Y,
Z, but that you feel let down on the timing issue. This will help
your boss to realize that you like your coworker, that your coworker
does excellent work in all ways but timing, and your boss will be
left with working out how to deal with the timeliness aspect of your
coworker's working method.

* Perhaps one way you might approach this is as follows: "Mr Amery,
I have really been enjoying working on designing unbreakable toys
with Gary this past year. He is incredibly talented and his
ability to work out how to prevent kids from ripping apart toys
within the first few hours of ownership is astounding. There is
just one thing that concerns me though and that is how we rarely
get the toy designs ready on time, and how I always seem to be
running to the toy factory with the designs just as they're about
to be put into the molds. I can't work like this anymore because I
also need time to add my colors and special eye and hair designs
to the toys and when everything happens at the last minute, I end
up doing half the job I'd like to do and I feel somewhat resentful
that it's my side of the design process that has to be hurried
rather than his. Do you think that there is some way we can work
around this or perhaps even have me do different design work for a

* Again, make sure your slate is clean before making your complaint
[21]. If there is anything you're doing to hold up your coworker,
it _will_ be noticed at this stage!

!! Tips !!

* Whatever you do, remain polite toward your coworker.

* Some work environments are "last-minute" by their nature. In this
case, be very careful to assess whether it's _your_ inability to
stick with the constant flow and pressure, or whether it really is
a coworker holding things up.

!! Warnings !!

* Don't ever lose your temper while you explain to your co-worker
how their working style is bothering you.

!! Related WikiHows !!

* How to Get a Coworker to Respect Your Personal Space [22]

* How to Ask a Coworker for a Date [23]

* How to Decorate a Coworker\'s Office [24]

* How to Recognize Agitators Amongst Your Coworkers [25]

* How to Get Your Coworker to Stop Telling You How to Do Your Job

!! Article Tools !!

* Read on wikiHow




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