It's easy to grow lots of garlic in the cool seasons, but it dies
down in hot weather. It comes back easily in the fall/spring from
the roots and bulbs if thinned and left undisturbed or replanted,
either.What can you do about the stresses in your life (from
chemical-packed main courses, to the extra nutritionally deficient
calories from cookies and chips)? Treat the stress the same way
you treat people with toxic attitudes; stay away. That means
staying away from chemical additives and processed foods, whenever
Toxins in all forms cause faster aging (breaking down) and hinder
correct or fast healing.[1] [1] Garlic can act as one food warrior in
your approach to tackling stressors, and it has much to recommend it
as a source of reducing stress, detoxifying, and improving your mood.
Here are some suggestions for using garlic for health improvement.
!! Steps !!
Take garlic [2] for your upper-respiratory
problems. Improve breathing and resist or
minimize cold and flu germs with garlic. Garlic
contains allicin and alliin, chemically active
compounds that researchers have found kill
germs directly and stimulate the immune system
[3] to release killer cells which can target
cold and flu germs.[2] [4] In order to reap
these benefits though, you'll need to be
consuming garlic regularly, and probably at
least one bulb a day.[3] [5]
* You can use the green part [6] too and seed-tops, plus keep bulbs
for use all year around and replant some cloves.
* Garlic added to food or garlic capsules can relieve nasal
congestion when taken daily.[4] [7] Garlic tablets can also reduce
mucus production, too much mucus can cause airway narrowing during
an asthmatic attack.[5] [8]
* During a cold [9], you might help to minimize the impacts by
consuming a half a clove of garlic or two garlic capsules or
tablets every two hours.[6] [10] Symptoms of a cold have been
shown to recede faster for those taking garlic over those who do
not.[7] [11]
* In addition, get plenty of sleep [12], eat healthy foods, reduce
stressors and reduce or remove your intake of tobacco and alcohol.
Consume garlic for heart health. Garlic has been found helpful for
the heart and circulation [13] in two ways so far. First, its sulfur
compounds (diallyl, disulfide (DADS)) help to smooth blood flow by
preventing the platelets from sticking together and clotting.[8]
[14][9] [15] Second, lowers levels of cholesterol [16] and
triglycerides in the blood.[10] [17] Overall, garlic increases the
body's level of antioxidants [18] which also helps to lower heart
disease.[11] [19]
* Allicin dilates blood vessels and can be helpful in lowering blood
pressure [20].[12] [21][13] [22]
* Use garlic as a possible form of protection against cancer.[14]
[23] Research has shown the ability of garlic to prevent cell
changes that can cause cancer [24], to stop tumor growth, and to
kill cancer cells.[15] [25][16] [26] Its role in boosting or
supporting your immune system is possibly part of its power
against cancer.[17] [27]
Take garlic to activate liver enzymes that support your toxin
filtration system. Garlic is considered to be good for fighting
sicknesses because of enzymes that support your filtration system.
Known as a "prebiotic", garlic can help the growth of "good"
bacteria in your digestive system, and help to prevent diarrhea.[18]
[28] Garlic also improves digestion and enhances the absorption of
minerals.[19] [29]
* Avoid causing your own excess wear and tear: Protect your
digestive and filtering system because wear and tear on these
systems accelerates aging.
* Avoid artificial ingredients in foods, in drinks, chemicals and
pollutants [30] in the air as much as possible.
* Use garlic to improve your mood. Garlic has been found to act as a
mood lifter, which might help you when you're feeling down.[20]
[31] Garlic can also ward off symptoms associated with insomnia,
fatigue, and anxiety [32].[21] [33]
* Slow aging using garlic. Garlic can help lessen age-related
impairment of blood flow and improve circulation, helping to keep
you feeling younger and stronger.[22] [34]
Use garlic to help minimize and heal a fungal infection [35]; galric
is one of the most powerful anti-fungals known.[23] [36] Rub crushed
garlic over the fungal infected skin area every day until it
improves.[24] [37]
* Treat yeast infections [38] by eating several raw cloves or even
an entire raw bulb of garlic each day.[25] [39]
!! Taking Garlic !!
Get at least the recommended daily dose of
garlic. The University of Maryland Medical
Center recommends that the intake of garlic be
2-4 grams fresh garlic daily (each clove
approximates 1 gram), or 600-1200mg of aged
garlic extract, daily, dividing up the
doses.[26] [40] Other methods of intake
include: freeze-dried garlic tablets 200mg, 2
tablets 3 times a day; 4ml fluid extract daily;
20ml tincture daily; and garlic oil 0.03-12ml,
3 times daily.[27] [41] Use of garlic can be
ongoing and frequent. In general, garlic is
safe for most people (The US Food and Drug
Administration rates it GRAS, or generally
recognized as safe) but see the warnings for
existing stomach inflammation, pregnancy,
nursing, developing an allergy [42]. In
* Take your multivitamin [43] if your diet is unbalanced. A good
balance of vitamins like folate, B12, B6, C, and E help your body
maintain its natural detox system.
* Eat plenty of dark leafy vegetables: turnip and other greens,
broccoli, cabbage, spinach, and seaweed [44], too, if you're
adventurous. These veggies fight to give your liver an assist in
breaking down the bad guys by revving up detoxifying enzymes.
Use all kinds of spices for your heart, blood sugar, anti-aging,
health.Use extra recommended spices, not just garlic. Eat the
spices (seeds and roots) that improve your health [45] as well as
garlic in order to get a broad range of protective qualities.
Eat spices (seeds, nuts and roots), such as sesame seeds. Seeds are a
form of life, having everything needed for springing into new life.
Use seeds on everything, including: salads, chicken, fish, veggies,
dips, omelets, and so forth. Seeds seem to protect your heart and
liver from the damaging effects of alcohol and other chemicals
according to research.[28] [46] And most nuts have good oils and none
have cholesterol.
!! The Best Way To Prepare Garlic !!
Lightly saute and crush garlic, because you release the good
enzymes and light heat does not hurt it. Do *not* microwave garlic
– according to research that kills its good effects.Crush garlic
first. Crushing the cloves is what releases the beneficial
thiosulfinates that would not otherwise form. The allicin is at
its best in crushed raw garlic.[29] [47] Cutting, mincing,
pressing, or crushing will all enable the compounds in garlic to
be released well. Chewing can also release its potency.[30] [48]
* One way to get the benefits of garlic without the heavy sulfuric
essence is to cut the clove in half and rub it against the inside
of a wooden bowl. Add your salad and you'll still get the garlic
taste and benefits without the sulfuric harshness.[31] [49]
Cook [50] it lightly. Overcooking garlic can destroy some of its
healthful compounds.[32] [51] Light cooking also ensures that the
heart-protective compounds are not reduced.[33] [52] However, be
aware that cooking probably destroys the antibiotic elements of
garlic.[34] [53] James A Duke claims that 10 minutes of cooking
reduces 40 percent of garlic's medicinal properties, while cooking
for 20 minutes causes it to lose much more.[35] [54]
* Do not microwave garlic. Researchers tried various preparation
methods including boiling, baking, and microwaving both crushed
and uncrushed garlic cloves. Lightly cooked crushed garlic passed
the tests – "as long as" it was *not* cooked in the
microwave.[36] [55]
* Use an extract or tablets or capsules if you're concerned about
the taste or odor [56]. If you really don't like garlic but you'd
like to benefit from its protective qualities, look for an aged
garlic extract in your local health food store. Even if you do
like garlic, the effects of cooking on garlic's healthful
compounds is still not certain, so it is probably a good idea to
also take the extract even if you're enjoying garlic as food.[37]
* Add garlic to preparations to ease coughs and sore throats [58].
Raw garlic can be added to a number of homemade remedies to reduce
the severity of throat infections and coughs. For example, make a
throat gargle by pouring 200ml of boiled water over two chopped
garlic cloves. Allow to steep for 3 hours, then strain and
gargle.[38] [59] For a cough, peel and crush two garlic bulbs and
leave exposed for 15 minutes (this allows allicin to form). Crush
in a mortar and pestle after the quarter hour has passed and stir
into a small pot of runny honey. Allow to infuse overnight. One
teaspoon of this mixture can be taken for coughs, colds, and sore
throats when needed.[39] [60] Be sure to label the honey for
clarity of contents and purpose.
!! Video !!
!! Tips !!
!! Adverse Effects Of Garlic !!
* No, at the recommended doses: there are *no* known across the
board, consistent, adverse effects of garlic use, but see the
"Warnings" section.
* Drug Interactions: no known interactions of garlic with any drugs.
* Avoid toxins whenever you can. When you can't, help your liver
dispose of the problems.
* Some people chop garlic and put it in vinegar and oil and store it
in the refrigerator, too -- and keep some good cloves to replant.
* Some garlic has small side, off-shoot "baby" bulbs that may break
off and stay in the ground -- or that you can shell-off the main
bulb and plant them when you pull up the main bulb -- it then will
"automatically" sprout up in the next cool season. That kind is
very convenient!
* Garlic can be grown in containers if that is more convenient for
!! Warnings !!
* Note that the science on the benefits of garlic for heart disease
and cancer protection is promising but is not yet considered
"conclusive".[40] [61]
* Microwaving sapped the garlic of all its good-for-you attributes
in the research.
* If you overload your body with toxic "food"/chemicals, your liver
and kidneys go into overdrive to filter, change and dump the
junkie food.
Do *not* use garlic (in large amounts or stay off of it):
* If you have inflammation of the stomach (gastroenteritis) or an
* If you are pregnant, garlic may stimulate uterine contractions
(pain) and secretions (Farnsworth et al 1975).
* If nursing, avoid garlic.
* Allergy in some persons: rarely, after frequent contact with
garlic, an inflammatory condition of the skin (eczema) or other
allergic reactions may develop.
* Speak with your doctor about possible interactions with
medications such as blood-thinners, protease inhibitors and
anti-platelet medications.[41] [62]
!! Related WikiHows !!
* How to Eat Spices to Lose Weight, Inflammation and Oxidative
Damages, but Gain Muscle [63]
* How to Match Herbs and Spices to Vegetables [64]
* How to Cure a Cold With Garlic [65]
* How to Avoid Infections and Diseases Using Garlic [66]
* How to Consume Garlic for Health [67]
!! Sources And Citations !!
* Partially based on Mehmet C. Oz, MD, and Michael F. Roizen, MD,
Doc's Blog: "Detox Your Body Cleansing Diet",
[68] published on November 8, 2010.
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* Read on wikiHow
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