Wednesday, 19 January 2011

How to Keep a Dream Journal

How to Keep a Dream Journal

A dream journal can be a memory-jogger and an incredible source of
insight into your inner world. Keeping a dream journal requires some
self-discipline but once you're in the habit of keeping one, it's
likely to be a long-term source of reassurance and interest.

A dream journal is ideal for you if you want to see recurrent patterns
in dreams, recall important aspects needing interpretation, and to
improve your dream recall generally. Ultimately, it should be a fun
exercise and one that helps you to make sense of your subconscious
world. Here is how to keep a dream journal, the diary of your inner

!! Steps !!

Find a suitable journal [1]. Naturally, there are some pre-made
dream journals out there but they're not necessary and in many ways,
it's a lot more fun and creative to make your own. The types of
things that are helpful to bear in mind when choosing a suitable
journal include:

* Length: Are you planning on making this a yearly journal [2], or a
shorter or longer journal?

* Ability to move the pages around: If you want to be able to sort
pages into themes (for example, "Recurrent Dreams", "Dreams about
dogs"), etc., then it might be helpful to use a looseleaf notebook
that lets you reshuffle the pages easily. Use a quality binder [3]
to keep such a looseleaf journal intact.

* Jottings [4]: The ability to add in jottings that you've written
down elsewhere can also be important. Make sure that the journal
has space for adding in scraps of paper, etc.

* Don't forget to get a suitable marker. If you want to write in
different colors for specific themes or recurrent interpretations,
keep this in mind when purchasing the markers.

* Consider finding a tin, basket [5], or other storage item for your
dream journal and markers. This allows you to keep all the things
needed sitting neatly and ready for use at any time.

* Consider a travel cover or protective case for your journal if you
travel a lot and want to take your dream journal with you wherever
you go.

Make physical space for your dream journal. A dream journal is best
written upon waking up, so the best place for keeping it is next to
your bedside. The problem with rummaging for something to write on
is that you're likely to forget your dream in the meantime, so make
this part of keeping a dream journal as easy as possible!

* If you have it in a container like a tin or a basket, it can be
easily moved about and into a drawer or cupboard space when
cleaning or to keep away from prying eyes.

* Another good idea is to keep a book reading light by your bedside.
If you wake up in the middle of the night and feel compelled to
write down a dream, having the light easily accessible will enable
you to do this before forgetting the dream.

* If you prefer speaking into a recordable MP3 player [6], be sure
to have it handy and to keep the dream journal files in good
order, and to transfer them regularly to a back-up.

Write the date for the next entry in after each entry is completed.
That way, you don't have to spend time worrying about today's date
when you first wake up and can just get down to writing the dream.
Some dream journal writers like to write the next day's date in
after the journal entry for that morning is completed, others prefer
to write it in the night before as a "readying ritual" of sorts.

* If you do write in the date the night before, you might also like
to note down how you're feeling. The feelings [7] that you have on
going to be may have an important influence on the dreams you
experience during the night, so keeping a quick note of these can
be a very helpful form of guidance. It can be especially helpful
as a mood reminder for those jolting "a-ha!" or
"pull-the-rug-from-under you" type dreams which can sometimes feel
as if they appeared out of the blue.

Arrange the journal appropriately for recording the dream. There is
no right or wrong way to prepare the dream journal or to record in
it but you can help yourself by making the linkages between dream
and interpretation a little easier to spot.

* Column method: If you draw a column down the middle of each
journal page, this allows you to write down the dream on one side
of the page, and then to write the possible interpretations down
on the other side of the page, directly opposite each part of the
dream being interpreted.

* Write then follow up: If you don't like cramming things into
columns, simply follow a process of writing down the dream first,
then following up with the interpretation under the dream
write-up. After all, the most important aspect is to get the dream
written down, and how you interpret the dream after is less

Dream your dreams. Use your usual method for falling asleep [8] and
dreaming. You might find it helps to remind yourself that you expect
to be writing up your dreams in the morning, so that you have a
focus in your subconscious on the importance of remembering your

* See wikiHow's many dream articles [9] for ideas on having,
controlling, and influencing your dreaming.

* It's a good idea to use a beeping or ringing alarm rather than a
radio or music alarm. The talking or singing might distract you
from remembering the contents of your dream. If you're fine with
waking up without an alarm [10], that's even better and a lot more

Write down your dreams. Upon awakening, begin recording your dreams.
If you can, hold off on visiting the bathroom until the dreams are
recorded because any interruption between waking [11] and recording
can lose the dream, or its principal points and edginess. With more
experience and practice, you may find this isn't such a problem and
recall becomes easier but for the beginner, the less distractions,
the better.

* Record everything that you can remember with ease. At first it can
be difficult to work out what to write down and what might be
creeping into your awake mind from other thoughts. With practice
though, you'll soon be able to recall the things that the dream
has told you. Include characters, symbols, colors, textures,
feelings, actions (such as flying [12] or swimming), interactions
with other beings, shapes, and anything else that the dream

* Think of some adjectives [13] to describe the most vivid and
pressing images and feelings that the dream brings about in you.
For example, if you dreamed about a house on fire, you might
write: "terrifying, exciting, and red hot burning house", with
your feelings being "afraid, panicking, curious".

* Some dream journal writers like to add images drawn [14] by
themselves or to use different colors to express different
emotions, colors, or themes in a dream. (Colors themselves are an
important part of dream interpretation.)

Straining to remember too much can lead to confusion Know when to
stop. The dream journal isn't a marathon and few people have all
morning to lie around writing in a journal. The best approach is to
go with the dream or two that really seems most powerful or enduring
for you. After the first dream or two, it's likely you'll be getting
hazier in your recollection anyway, and it's best to write down the
most vivid recollections above all because they're likely to be the
ones with the most resonance and meaning [15] for you.

* Maybe your dream titles can inspire writing titles too!
Name each dream. It's a good habit to get into naming your dreams.
In reducing each dream to a title, try to capture the main feeling
or theme behind it. It's an easy way for you to find the dream
again for future reference and it's also a neat way of summarizing
[16] your general reaction to the dream.

* If things feel a little wooden, give it time to feel more
natural Review your progress. Initially, it might be difficult to
remember enough of a dream to write more than a few lines.
Persevere because with practice, it becomes easier to remember
more and more elements of the dream until it becomes a habit [17].
Therefore it's important to persist with writing in your dream
journal every morning even if you think you had a bland or
non-eventful dream event. Sometimes those dreams are telling in
themselves and sometimes in writing them down, you realize that
they weren't so pointless after all.

Begin interpreting [18]. If you don't wish to start interpreting at
the beginning, that's fine. Just getting used to recording dreams is
a new learning curve and getting the dreams down initially is the
important part. You can always return later and record the
interpretation, provided you've added some key feeling words with
the dream. In time, it's a good idea to start interpreting the dream
using dream interpretation knowledge you've learned from books,
online sites, and your own intuition [19]. Some things will be more
obvious than others, but give it a good go. Sometimes the meaning of
a dream might not become clear until you've realized it's recurring
and that there is something happening in your life that you might
need to pay closer attention to. Indeed, the more important messages
tend to repeat as a way of getting through to you.

* Read How to interpret your dreams [20] for more information on how
to interpret dreams.

Personalize your dream journal. Ultimately how you use and manage
your dream journal is a personal thing and it's up to you to make of
it what you will. If you find that any of the suggestions offered
here aren't working for you but other ways do, by all means
incorporate your ways into keeping the dream journal. Use whatever
makes most sense and works best for you.

Travel [21] with your dream journal. Keep your dream journal with
you when you travel or take a vacation. If you don't want to take
your original one, compile a lightweight travel version that can be
inserted into the other journal when you return home. Or, keep
electronic notes when away; whatever works for you. What is
important is to keep the process going, especially since travel can
spark completely different kinds of dreams and awaken new insights
[22] into yourself, something you certainly don't want to miss!

* Travel or change of location can also bring about memories of
dreams you've already had, filling in the gaps so to speak. Use
this opportunity to write them down and add to previous dreams.

!! Video !!

!! Tips !!

* If you move too much in the morning, such as cleaning your teeth,
or preparing breakfast first, the dream may fade due to waking up
your body too much.

* Keep the journal and a writing utensil in reach of your bed and in
the same spot every day.

* Try to refrain from sharing personal dreams. While some people
really "get" dream interpretation and the purpose of dreams, other
people don't like the idea at all, or find that your personal
dreams are too much to digest. Keep it to yourself and nurture
that inner part of yourself as part of your own journey through

* Buy a dream deck. This is a deck of cards that has symbols and
pictures on it and helps you work out what your dreams are about.
They may also have ideas for how to calm yourself down in
difficult situations.

!! Warnings !!

* If you have a dream of, for example, dying, don't think it means
your going to die. It could mean that your stressed out and just
feel as if you're dying. Also, dying can mean letting go of a part
of yourself or a part of your life that has been holding you back,
and it could indicate that you're ready to move on to a new stage
in your life.

* If you find yourself going through a phase where your dreams seem
to "dry up", persevere. Sometimes external factors such as stress,
pharmaceuticals, alcohol, lack of sleep, or other REM cycle
disruptions are the cause. Other times, it might be that you need
to take a short break to allow your creative self a little space
to rejuvenate. Worry less about it and the dreams will return
provided you remove any external stressors.

!! Things You'll Need !!

* A dream journal

* Markers

* Booklight

* Something to rest on (optional)

!! Related WikiHows !!

* How to Remember Dreams [23]

* How to Control Your Subconscious Mind [24]

* How to Lucid Dream [25]

* How to Forget a Bad Dream [26]

* How to Interpret Your Dreams [27]

* How to Control Your Dreams [28]

!! Article Tools !!

* Read on wikiHow




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