Monday 14 February 2011

How to Find Out Who Is Sending You Valentine's Cards

How to Find Out Who Is Sending You Valentine's Cards

It's Valentine's Day and you've received a card. But just
who is it from? This article explains how you might go about
finding out who has sent you that secret Valentine's card.

!! Steps !!

Ask questions about the mode of delivery. How did you receive the
Valentine's card? There are vital clues in the mode of delivery if
you look closely:

* If it was hand delivered to your home, consider who you know who
lives locally, or who could possibly drop by on their way to work
or studies.

* If the Valentine's card was sent by mail to your house list,
consider who has access to your home address. If your name and
address are publicly available, this clue won't be so useful

* Ask other members of the household if they saw anything or talked
to anyone when the card arrived.

* Have a look at the postmark on the front of the envelope. This may
give you a clue to the area your admirer is from. Be careful
though, the sender may have been very clever about finding a post
office well away from their usual haunts.

* If the Valentine's card was left for you to find at work, it
almost definitely would be from one of your colleagues. And
chances are they would be keeping their eye on you to make sure
you received it. This will narrow the field considerably.

Sum up the nature of the card. What type of Valentine's card is it?
Romantic, humorous, cute, tacky, minimal or elaborate? In most
cases, it's probable that your secret admirer would have unwittingly
selected a card that reflects their own personality. For example,
the hot photographer from the café would have very different tastes
from your pub mate. From your list of suspects, who do you think
best suits the card?

Analyse the message. What exactly has the sender written on the
card? Your admirer will want you to find out who they are, so will
have hopefully left a clue:

* Think back to conversations you have had with people who might be
the sender - does anything click between things already said to
your face and what is written in the card?

Is the handwriting familiar to you? Don't put too much thought into
this one though, as they may well have tried to disguised it, or
typed it.

Probe the suspects. By now you must have reduced your list down to a
few key players. Find a time when you're alone with each of them and
casually bring up the subject of Valentine's Day. Mention that you
received an anonymous card and watch their reaction. If they look
nonplussed, chances are that it wasn't from them. If they blush,
grin uncontrollably, or show a lot of interest - you're probably on
the right track.

Ask if they sent any cards this Valentine's Day. If they say "No",
drop the subject and move on. If they say they did, ask to whom.
This is perfect because if they tell you that it was to someone
else, you can feign interest as they tell you all about her without
losing face, but if it was to you, they will be obliged to come

Choose the next move. It's now down to you to decide whether you
want to take things further with your secret admirer or not.

!! Video !!

!! Tips !!

* If you have several cards from different admirers, you will have
to spend more effort on finding out which senders might have sent
them to you.

* Remember that mates sometimes send cards for a lark, so take it
with a sense of good humour if it turns out that they were just
doing it for fun.

!! Warnings !!

* Don't badger people over the card; not only is this bad manners
but it might change the mind of your true Valentine! Do this with
care and consideration for the feelings of others.

!! Things You'll Need !!

* A Valentine's card - or more than one!

* The envelope it came in

!! Related WikiHows !!

* How to Make Valentine's Day More Meaningful

* How to Make a Unique Valentine Bag

* How to Make Cards for Valentines Day

* How to Be Your Own Valentine

* How to Make Valentine's Day Extra Special

!! Sources And Citations !!

* Original source of article, VideoJug, How to find out who is
sending you Valentine's cards,
Used with permission.

!! Article Tools !!

* Read on wikiHow

* Discuss

How to Make a P.S. I Love You Martini

How to Make a P.S. I Love You Martini

A P.S. I Love You martini can make a great Valentine's Day
surprise, or is great for mixing up for that special someone
whenever you desire.

!! Ingredients !!

* 1 oz dark rum

* 1 oz amaretto liqueur

* 3/4 oz Kahlua coffee liqueur

* 1 1/2 oz Amarula cream liqueur

* (_optional_) Baileys Irish Cream as a substitute for Amarula

* 1 oz cream

* Freshly grated chocolate

!! Steps !!

Add ice to a cocktail shaker.

* Add the dark rum, amaretto liqueur, Kahlua, Amarula (or Baileys),
and cream to the cocktail shaker.

Cap the shaker. Shake the ingredients vigorously for about five

Strain into a cocktail glass.

Garnish with the grated chocolate. The chocolate can be grated
directly over the drink using microplane grater or similar tool.

Serve the drink. A chocolate roll can make a nice finishing

!! Tips !!

* The strained cocktail should have a thick, creamy froth.

!! Warnings !!

* Always drink alcoholic beverages responsibly.

!! Things You'll Need !!

* Cocktail shaker

* Strainer

* Microplane grater

* Cocktail glass

!! Related WikiHows !!

* How to Make a Rose Petal Martini

* How to Make a Brandy Alexander Martini

* How to Make a Toasted Almond Martini

* How to Make a Pear Martini

* How to Make Martinis

!! Article Tools !!

* Read on wikiHow


How to Celebrate Ferris Wheel Day

How to Celebrate Ferris Wheel Day

Ferris Wheel Day is held on February 14 in honor of the
American engineer and inventor George Ferris (born Feb 14,
1859). The Ferris wheel was invented for the World's
Columbian Exposition in Chicago, 1893. Since then it has
been a must-have part of every fair and is beloved by many.
Here are some suggestions for celebrating the day.

!! Steps !!

Visit a fairground, showground, theme or amusement park and head
straight for the Ferris wheel. Take a ride or two. Take along some
friends and make a day of it.

* How many times can you ride the Ferris wheel before you're either
tired of it, feeling woozy, or broke?

* Take photos from the top of Ferris wheel. Share them on Twitter
and Facebook – while you're up there!

Make it a lover's event. Given that the date is also Valentine's
Day, consider combining Ferris Wheel Day with Valentine's. Take your
sweetheart to the fair and buy tickets for two on the Ferris wheel.
Take your sweetheart around as many times as they'd like.

* While on the Ferris wheel, give your love a foot massage.

* Make sure to buy red food, like toffee apples and hot dogs, in
honor of Valentine's Day.

Learn about the engineering feat that is the Ferris wheel. Do some
online research about the invention by George Washington Gale
Ferris, along with his own history. The Ferris wheel was invented to
rival Paris' Eiffel Tower and does appear to have been as enduring.
Here are some questions for you to research:[1] [1]

* Find out how long it took the original Ferris wheel to make two

* What was the cost of the ride on the original Ferris wheel?

* How many cars did the original Ferris wheel have?

* How many people could fit in each of the cars?

* What is the largest Ferris wheel in the world today?

Hold a Ferris wheel party. Make a cake or some pinwheel cookies in
the shape of a Ferris wheel. Try to develop a fairground theme to
the food and decorations. Play party games associated with the
fairground, like throwing quoits to win a prize, throwing beanbags
or balls into buckets, and hitting targets. You could also develop a
trivia quiz game along the lines of the questions asked in the
earlier step.

* Another game idea might be to use the Wikipedia list of the
world's tallest Ferris wheels to create a game in which players
have to put the Ferris wheels in order of tall to tallest. The
first team to get it right wins. You might want to cull the list
to say, 10 good ones, and include images.

Practice cartwheels. Cartwheels are your own personal Ferris wheel
that you can practice in your backyard. If you're no good at them,
you don't know what you're missing out on, so here's a good excuse
to learn. If it's still too cold and snowed in where you are, visit
a local gym and use their soft mats for landing; ask for an
instructor to give you help and advice.

Use Ferris Wheel Day as an excuse to get out of Valentine's Day. For
the singles, the cynics, and the "enough already with the
Valentines", here is your perfect alternative excuse. Tell everyone:
"Sorry, I'm too busy celebrating Ferris Wheel Day to do that
Valentine's stuff." Collectible models Start a Ferris
wheel collection. If you're the type who loves to collect things,
what a neat idea for a collection. Find old and new postcards
featuring Ferris wheels, tourist paraphernalia associated with
Ferris wheels, cards, paper, models, etc., all associated with
Ferris wheels.

* Why not create a blog featuring your finds and sharing them with
other Ferris wheel enthusiasts.

Around the world with the Ferris wheel Plan a trip to some of the
most well known Ferris wheels in the world. Here's a great excuse for
a vacation with a theme. Some of the places to consider visiting

* London: The London Eye

* Vienna: The Giant Ferris Wheel (Wiener Riesenrad) at the Prater
(erected in 1897)[2] [2]

* Osaka: Tempozan Ferris Wheel

* Nanchang: The Star of Nanchang

* Singapore: The Singapore Flyer

* Dallas: The Texas Star.

!! Video !!

!! Tips !!

* Join the Facebook Ferris Wheel Day group. It's at: And
it exists because the initiator believes that it's a "pretty good
reason not to celebrate Valentine's Day".[3] [3] Do note that this
page appears to be active only around the time the day is

* Wikipedia's page on the Ferris wheel is a good starting point for
your research. It is at:

!! Things You'll Need !!

* A Ferris wheel in your locale

!! Related WikiHows !!

* How to Bake Chocolate Pinwheel Cookies

* How to Avoid Being a Third Wheel

* How to Enjoy a Theme Park

* How to Have a Safe Day at a Theme Park

* How to Review a Theme or Amusment Park

!! Sources And Citations !!

!! Article Tools !!

* Read on wikiHow

