Be original and write your own funny but endearing
Valentine's poem. You'll want to aim for a poem that flows
well and more importantly, makes the object of your
affection think you're the most intelligent, creative and
downright gorgeous person they've ever known!
!! Steps !!
Choose your Valentine. This technique can be used on anybody:
long-term partners, someone you've been dating for a few weeks, or
someone you've got a secret crush on. The main thing is to make it
rhyme and to include plenty of compliments.
Change the old to new. The old cliché of 'roses are red, violets
are blue' is too retro and not so original. Nevertheless, it's a
great basis for starting your own poem with; you just need to give
it a modern twist. For example:
* 'Lilies are white, Daffodils are yella, I lie in bed at night,
Feeling smug you're my fella!' etc.
* You can pick any flower and any colour you like.
Oh Valentine! You make me rhyme! Find the rhyme. You can make
anything rhyme; it's not as hard as it sounds. Just think of a
sentence you might want to write to your loved one such as: 'You
always make me smile'. Then just go through the alphabet trying out
every letter that could rhyme with smile, for example: dial, file,
I'll, mile, Nile, pile and so forth, until you find something that
could begin to make sense in the third sentence. After working that
out, build your next line around finishing with that word. For
* 'You always make me smile, When I'm down you come round, You're
number I just dial, You lift my chin off the ground.'
Avoid breaking the flow Keep to the same theme. The theme should
flow smoothly and not jolt from one metaphor to another without a
smooth transition. For example, don't talk about how great your love
is in bed on the one line, and how lucky you are to breathe the same
air as them on the next. To avoid such a disjointed approach, look
for ways to keep concepts together over at least two lines at a time.
Oh my Valentine, I know this is line 549... Decide your
own length. There's no word limit, and once you get in the swing of
things you might want to write pages and pages of witty yet touching
prose, or you can just stick with four lines.
* Note: Shorter versions are advised if you're in a new relationship
or you're being a 'secret admirer' – you don't want to scare
away with all the hundreds of obsessive things you've noticed
about them while you were spying or making out!
* Be genuine, not poetically perfect. You don't have to be
clever or try and give Shakespeare a run for his money. As long as
the poem sounds like you wrote it, then that's great. For
instance, if you and your partner spend your time going clubbing
and eating take-out food, lying around with one another and having
a laugh, it might be a bit weird if you start mentioning how the
sun shines on everything now you've met them, or that your heart
beats to the sound of a thousand drums when you're together, etc.
Keep it real.
* Oh dear, I seem to have lost the rhyme... Don't get hung
up on rhyming. Not everything has to strictly rhyme. You're not
doing English literature, you're just writing a love poem. And
with that, enjoy writing it!
!! Video !!
!! Tips !!
* If you're writing to a someone who you've admired from afar, don't
make it too personal or creepy, like 'I stole a pair of your pants
and keep them in my pocket...' Put in a compliment that will make
them think, "Aw, sure, that's spot on."
* Still on the secret admirer theme - if you're not sure how they
will react, or they have never spoken to you before, or there is a
risk that your poem may end up on Facebook or turned into
hilarious flyers, then just don't bother. It's not worth the
* Have fun with it. Be silly, be charming and say things that will
make them laugh.
!! Warnings !!
* Poems are very cute and endearing and thoughtful, but they don't
smell as nice as perfume or look as good as that new bag your
darling hinted about. Bear that in mind if your darling is the
sort to expect a gift _and_ a poem. However, if you're truly broke
and can barely afford the paper your poem is written on, it's
definitely enough and your girlfriend will love the thought.
* Don't write anything that will make them think, 'restraining
* Unless you know your Valentine really well, keep it clean!
!! Things You'll Need !!
* Writing implements and paper or a computer and printer
* Inspirations (look at images, gardens, love hearts, etc.)
!! Related WikiHows !!
* How to Survive Valentine's Day When You're Single
* How to Be Your Own Valentine
* How to Make Your Kids Smile on Valentine's Day
* How to Plan a Romantic Valentine's Day Date
* How to Write Funny Poems
!! Article Tools !!
* Read on wikiHow
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