In 2010, Beyonce Knowles won six Grammy Awards, setting a
Grammy record.[1] [1] Not only does she have amazing musical
talent but she also looks fabulous, has curves in the right
places, and is nicely toned. For some, she even has "the
perfect body". If her shape and appearance inspire you, here
are some steps that will help you get in shape like Beyonce.
!! Steps !!
Eat healthy and don't starve yourself. Beyonce enjoys snacks to keep
her energy levels up, foods such as fruit, oatcakes with cottage
cheese, or yogurt-covered almonds.[2] It's important not to skip
meals; Beyonce aims for three meals with two snacks in between each
day.[3] [2] Eat plenty of vegetables [3] and fruit, whole grains,
and two servings of fish each week.
* Drink plenty of water, just like Beyonce.
* Cut down on sugary foods, salty foods, and junk food, in general.
But don't cut these out of your diet completely; after all,
Beyonce allows herself treats occasionally, saying that "When I'm
being bad, I'm bad – burgers, pizza, French fries, the
lot...".[4] [4] Enjoy junk food in moderation now and then; just
don't go overboard.
* Provided you're exercising regularly, the aim is not necessarily
to lose weight, and curves are good. The aim should be to tighten
up your body with better nutrition.
Form an exercise plan. Beyonce has to be able to handle the
strenuous pace of dancing, singing, and touring. She works out five
days a week and does 100 squats, 100 step-ups, and 100 walking
lunges a day.[5] Beyonce does circuit training, and runs
two-and-a-half miles each day.[6] [5] If you enjoy running [6], this
can be a great form of exercise. While you might find her schedule
way too punishing unless you're doing a music tour too, you can
borrow some of her ideas. For example, try choosing exercise that
you can follow at least two days of the week; three is better. Have
a day of rest between exercise days.You could try swimming, running,
dancing, lifting weights, or doing aerobics, whatever exercise fits
in with your working out strengths and is something that you enjoy.
* Do your exercise to music. Beyonce suggests that this is how to
make it fun,[7] [7] thereby motivating you a lot more.
* Beyonce works out with weights, including 5 pound weights for
bicep curls during an entire song, or 3 pound weights to box for
the length of one music track.[8] [8]
* Beyonce loves cycling and dancing as fun ways to improve her
fitness levels.[9] [9]
* If nothing else, follow a walking program. Walking is easy, but it
is one of the better overall exercises. Get one or more friends to
walk with you for more fun and motivation.
* Consider getting a personal trainer if you think this will help
keep you focused and you can afford the expense.
Find a source of motivation to keep you going. Beyonce has a goal
and so too should you. She keeps a poster of an Oscar on the wall of
her gym to inspire her to keep working at it.[10] What's your goal?
Perhaps it is to keep fit, or to stay healthy for all your life, or
to get ahead in a career or hobby aspiration. Whatever your reason,
ask yourself how will you represent this goal [10] visually so that
it can serve as a source of motivation for you. A poster, messages,
or photos of your goal can all be good ways to inspire you. Be sure
to put these in places where you'll be reminded often of the purpose
of getting a great body.
* Be consistent. Beyonce works constantly to achieve her goals,
including dancing all day long in high heels in order to get ready
for a music tour.[11] [11] Set yourself regular exercise schedules
that you can stick to, no matter what else is happening in your
Be proud of your body. Beyonce has said that she "wears skimpy
outfits" because she's "proud of her body".[12] She's not afraid to
show off what she's got, being proud to celebrate her body shape the
way that it is. She accepts that she is not naturally skinny and she
detests fad diets after trying them and finding they don't work.[13]
[12] Take a leaf from her book and love your body the way it is and
don't harm your health with fad dieting [13].
* Love your curves. They are attractive and beautiful.
Wear what suits you. Beyonce is renowned for wearing beautifully
tailored clothes that make the most of her good features. If you can
sew or get your clothes tailored to your own body shape, you'll find
that you look your absolute best; clothes that fit properly flatter
your body. Clothing off the rack is trying to fit a range of sizes
that may or may not suit your own shape and this can be made worse
by the broad-ranging belief that you should fit into a single size.
The reality is that a good wardrobe may well be filled with the
sizes that fit in each style of clothing you try on. That may mean
that you have larger tops and smaller bottoms, or larger jacket and
smaller blouse sizes. Don't make the mistake of preferring a smaller
size in the hope it'll look better on you; something that looks too
small will ironically make you appear larger! Get the sizing right
and a lot of your quest to appear "bootylicious" is sorted.
* Even jeans can be worn skin-tight with curves. Look for versions
that are made with curves in mind, such as jeans with fake pockets
around the thigh area, so that bulk is removed.[14] [14] Wear
skinny jeans with high heels to elongate your look. The boot cut
is also an excellent style for women with curves.[15] [15]
* If you can't figure out what looks best on you by yourself, invest
in spending some time with a personal stylist to help you or
search in stores and/or on the Internet for your body shape and
what suits it.
* Love the person you are. Don't seek to transform into
Beyonce or be a dead ringer for her. You're a unique wonder in
your own right and while she offers a great inspirational role
model, your ideal image of her must be tempered by the realities
of what's achievable with the body and lifestyle you've got. Love
what you have and make the very most of it; use Beyonce's
inspiration to motivate you to exercise regularly and to eat well.
!! Video !!
!! Tips !!
* Keep to your exercise timetable by writing down your plan on the
calendar or separate paper.
* Exercise with one or more friends to provide social motivation and
fun. You're much more likely to stick with it if you're enjoying
the exercise experience as a whole.
* Running up a hill and walking down it is a good way to keep your
butt and thighs well toned without losing their shape.
!! Warnings !!
* If you gain some weight while you're exercising regularly, it is
probably muscle, and muscle weighs more than fat. You want shape
and fitness rather than a certain body weight, so don't get too
concerned about this. Just remember to eat properly and get the
exercise habit; if you have any concerns, speak to your doctor.
* Buy clothes that fit. Vanity sizing is a waste of your money and
good looks. Don't buy smaller in the vague hope it'll make you
look smaller; all it will do is emphasize what isn't fitting into
your clothes!
* Diets should always be undertaken after conferring with your
doctor. If you have any health conditions or particular problems
exercising, etc., speak to your doctor before making major changes
to your nutrition and exercise regime.
!! Things You'll Need !!
* Comfortable workout clothes and shoes.
* Optional: weights, jump rope, exercise bands, bike, exercise mat,
tread mill, and so on.
!! Related WikiHows !!
* How to Get a Huge Butt
* How to Tone the Butt With Walking
* How to Enjoy Life As a Young Female
* How to Show off Your Curves
* How to Get a More Curvy Appearance (Skinny Girls)
* How to Make Your Butt Bigger
* How to Get Your Legs and Butt in Shape
!! Sources And Citations !!
!! Article Tools !!
* Read on wikiHow
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