Thursday, 2 December 2010

5 Things You Can Do to Support the Search for Extraterrestrial Life

5 Things You Can Do to Support the Search for Extraterrestrial Life

NASA recently announced the discovery of a bacteria that can
survive on arsenic; this discovery will broaden our search
for extraterrestrial life. If you're fascinated by the
extraterrestrial possibilities and are eager to help the
search, there are several things you can do.

!! Steps !!

* Write a letter to your government supporting space program
funding. Write to representatives asking to see more funding given
to research and exploration. For example, NASA uses the Mars
Rovers and the European Space Agency (ESA) has the Mars Express to
conduct research on Mars, a planet where life may have once
existed. If you would like to see these programs expanded, make
your voice heard and reach out to a representative in government
to make your wishes known.

* Become a scientist yourself. This step alone can be comprised of
dozens of sub-steps, and is a long shot for many people, but if
you are a student, both NASA and the ESA offer internships and
coops to students and recent graduates.

* Support science and space education. Fostering the next generation
of scientists and explorers-who may very well be the ones to
discover extraterrestrial life-starts with education. Volunteer at
science camps, planetariums or non-profit institutes that have
programs to introduce children and young adults to science and the
cosmos. Encourage children to stargaze (finding constellations,
watching meteor showers, etc.).

* Spend some time understanding the theories surrounding
extraterrestrial life. Astrobiology (also know as exobiology) is
the study of the origins, evolution and future of life in the
universe and the focus of programs such as the Mars Rovers.
Astrobiology combines many scientific fields of study to
understand how life can be supported somewhere other than Earth.
The NASA Astrobiology Institute has a website
( that provides podcasts, recaps and
recordings of seminars concerning various issues within

* Stay up-to-date on research and findings. NASA and ESA provide
reports, photos and press releases of new developments, including
any relevant findings in the search for extraterrestrial life.
Additionally, various science magazines and journals are useful in
educating yourself about the current state of research and what
may be coming in the near future.

!! Sources And Citations !!

* NASA (

* ESA (

* UK Space Agency (

!! Article Tools !!

* Read on wikiHow



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