With many of us becoming aware of the effects of our lifestyles on the
environment [1], menstrual cups have come about as an alternative to
standard sanitary pads [2] and tampons [3]. A cup collects menstrual
fluid, instead of absorbing it like a tampon, and is cleaned [4] and
reused, with the cup able to last as long as ten years. Menstrual cups
have been shown to leak less on average, and they are very comfortable
to wear.[1] [5] Most cups are made of soft, medical grade silicone and
all cups have less health risks than standard disposable products.
Continue reading to learn how to use a menstrual cup.
!! Steps !!
* Read [6] the instructions accompanying your
choice of menstrual cup. Read over the pamphlets that come with
your cup until you feel comfortable to go ahead. Also see the
wikiHow on cleaning a menstrual cup [7] for directions on keeping
it clean, and if you're on the fence about using a cup, read how
to decide whether to use a menstrual cup [8] to help you make up
your mind. And if you don't have a menstrual cup already, read
wikiHow's advice on buying a menstrual cup [9] for directions on
picking out the right cup for you.
* Try inserting the cup the first time in the
privacy of your own bathroom [10]. Most users do not get the hang
of it until after a couple tries, so this will be far better than
using a public bathroom [11]. Also, although you may be tempted to
do a dry run while you're not on your period, you really shouldn't
because it's generally more lubricated and your cervix may be in a
different position while you're menstruating [12]. So for the
first time, make sure it is during your period as well.
* The C FoldPractice [13] different folds. The C fold shown on
instruction manuals isn't the best technique for many women. When
you use the C fold, the widest part of the cup is just at the
beginning. Another fold (there are many to choose from) is the
punch-down fold. To make this fold, place your finger on the rim
of the cup, and push it down into the cup. See the video below for
more folds you can try.
* Wash your hands [14] with soap and rinse the
cup with water to remove any dust or dirt from your hands and the
cup. If you would like to use a little soap on the cup, rinse very
thoroughly because soap in the vagina can cause yeast infections
[15].[2] [16]
* Stay relaxed [17] and try not to tense your
pelvic muscles. This may make it painful or difficult to insert
the cup. Your pelvic muscles are the ones you use to stop and
start peeing. Practice loosening and tightening these muscles (aka
doing kegel exercises [18]) so you will be able to relax them
during insertion. Be patient [19]; the first time inserting it is
always the hardest, so don't give up if you're having trouble at
first-- but do take a break if you become overly frustrated.
* Get into a comfortable position. You might
like to try inserting the cup while over the toilet. You can also
try squatting down in the tub or shower; standing and putting one
leg on the edge of the toilet or tub; or lying down on the floor
with your knees up and legs apart.
* Find your cervix. Stick a finger inside your vagina and feel for
your cervix, which feels kind of like the tip of your nose. It is
a small, squishy nub with an indentation in the middle. Aiming the
cup in the direction of your cervix will help. This way you won't
accidentally poke your cervix with the cup, or take up space in
the cup with your cervix.
* Insert the cup. Fold the cup and then hold it with one hand
(stem facing downwards). Spread apart your labia and find the
opening of your vagina with your other hand. Now push the cup in
at a about a 45 degree angle towards your pubic bone, not straight
up. The cup should pop open. Continue to push the cup in until it
is comfortable. (The cup may ride low or high depending on your
* Make sure that the cup is fully open. Reach
up and feel around the base of the cup. It should be round or at
least oval. (The cup may not ever open up all the way, depending
on your body shape.) If it's not open, you can open it manually
with a hand. Also try doing a few Kegel exercises [20] or rotating
the cup in a full circle by twirling the base. You can also reach
up with a finger and press part of the vaginal wall out of the
way, so that air can travel up and fill the cup. You may feel more
comfortable with the cup closer to your cervix than pictured in
the instructions.
* Wait up to twelve hours. If you have a heavy
flow, you will have to empty it more often, because this is the
maximum recommended time. For your first cycle with a cup, you'll
have to do a bit of experimenting to find out how long you can
leave your cup in before leaking. (It's a good idea to wear a back
up pantyliner; cloth pantyliners are a good reusable option.)
* Remove the cup. Bear down with your muscles
so the cup will travel down farther. Continue doing this until you
can reach the stem. Wiggle the cup back and forth and down. Get a
better grip on the actual base, not just the stem, of the cup and
continue to pull it out. When you get to the opening of your
vagina make sure you take it out upright to reduce spillage. If
the rim of the cup is too wide to remove comfortably, use a finger
to fold the cup into a C fold or a punch-down fold before you take
it out of your vagina. If you're removing the cup over a toilet,
you can let the contents spill out the "back" as you remove the
cup, just keep your hand out of gravity's path.
* Dump the contents of the cup in the toilet or sink. Rinse the cup
with water, and maybe a little fragrance-free, non-antibacterial
soap. To clear the suction holes of menstrual fluid, bend the cup
at the suction holes under the water. You can also fill the cup
with water, cover the opening with your palm, and the squeeze the
cup to squirt water out the holes-- keep clear! Dry your cup if
it's too slippery and reinsert.
* Learn how to clean the cup. You can boil the
cup, use sterilizing tablets, swab it down with rubbing alcohol,
or choose from other methods. See wikiHow's instructions on how to
clean a menstrual cup [21] for directions and choose the method
that works best for you.
* Remember that it may take a while to get used
to using a menstrual cup. Take your time. Menstrual cups have a
learning curve of about three to four cycles and if eventually you
find out it's not for you, that's fine. If you still want to use a
reusable menstrual product, you can try cloth pads [22] or sea
!! Video: Folding A Cup !!
!! Video: Inserting And Removing A Cup !!
!! Tips !!
A recent study found that menstrual cups leak half as often than
tampons for women as a whole, so don't let this dissuade you from
trying a cup.[3] [23] However, if your cup is leaking, here are some
troubleshooting ideas:
* _The cup is overflowing._ This is probably the easiest problem to
fix. If the cup is leaking and when you remove it, it is nearly
full, that just means your cup is filling with fluid and hath
runneth over. Simply change your cup more often. You may want to
purchase a cup with a higher capacity if you're changing your cup
too frequently for your tastes. See How to buy a menstrual cup
* _The cup isn't opening fully._ You'll probably have a lot of
leakage with this problem. It's caused by the cup not opening
fully, so make sure to check that it is fully open after every
insertion. Reach up and feel around the base of the cup. It should
be round or at least oval. (The cup may not ever open up all the
way depending on your body shape.) If it's not open, you can open
it manually with a hand. Also try doing a few Kegel exercises [25]
or rotating the cup in a full circle by twirling the base. You can
also reach up with a finger and press part of the vaginal wall out
of the way, so air can travel up and fill the cup. It's also
important to try different folds.
* _Your cervix is taking up room in the cup._ This occurs if the cup
is leaking and when you remove it, it is only half full. This
means your cervix is dangling inside the cup and taking up room,
so it only fills halfway. To solve this problem, try placing the
cup as low as you comfortably can. If this doesn't fix it, the cup
may be too long, and you will probably need to purchase a short,
squat cup to get a better capacity.
* _Residual slobber_: This is occurs if you're getting a very small
amount of light leakage. There might still be some blood on the
walls of your vagina after you change your cup, and this will
slide down and end up in your underwear. You can try wiping
thoroughly after changing the cup, but that may not help too much.
Since it is a light amount of leakage, a disposable or cloth liner
will keep you feeling dry.
* _ You're placing the cup past your cervix._ If
you experience a twinge of pain while inserting the cup and then a
lot of leakage, it's probable that you've inserted the cup past
your cervix. The cervix is very tender, and if the cup is actually
pressing against your cervix it will hurt. To solve this problem,
you will need to place the cup lower. Also feel around for your
cervix before you insert the cup to get a general idea of its
location; keep in mind that your cervix may move around on
different days of your period, so it's a good idea to check every
time if this is a recurring problem.
* _You're angling the cup away from your cervix._ You also need to
know the general location of your cervix for this problem. If this
occurs, you're probably aiming the cup into the vaginal wall
instead your cervix. Pay careful attention to your cervix's
location and the angle the cup needs to be at during insertion.
* If a reusable menstrual cup grosses you out,
there is a disposable brand called Instead softcup that is
available at most drugstores in North America. It is composed of a
ring and a plastic sac and is inserted like a diaphragm. See
wikiHow's article on how to use an Instead softcup [26].
* Menstrual cups work by holding the blood, rather than absorbing it
like a tampon. Therefore, they can be emptied less frequently.
This also means the cup can be inserted when your period is due,
and before it starts. You can also use the cup for heavy cervical
* If you use a diaphragm for contraceptive purposes, it can double
as a menstrual cup! (They are very similar to an Instead soft cup
[27] in shape.) However to preserve the lifetime of your
diaphragm, you may only want to do this if it is made of silicone,
not rubber.
* If you're uncomfortable with the concept of
tampons or cups, but still want to use reusable menstrual
products, look into cloth pads. You can buy them online or make
them yourself [28].
* If you're a virgin, you may find that your vaginal opening does
not easily stretch to accommodate a cup. If this is the case, it
may help to stretch it over the course of a week or so by using
your fingers. Start with one or two and increase to three as your
body will allow. Try the punch down, triangle, or origami folds
because they make the cup less wide and thinner for insertion.
* Trimmed and untrimmed cupsIf you find the stem on your cup to
be uncomfortable, you can always cut part or all of it off. Make
sure the end is filed down so it doesn't poke you however, and
remember you will have to work solely with the base of the cup
during removal.
* Single-stall, public washrooms with private sinks are a great
place to empty your menstrual cup, if you can find them. For
bathrooms that don't have single stalls with a sink, bring some
feminine wipes and a small bottle of water with you to rinse the
cup with, or use toilet paper. It's also fine to just tip the
contents of the cup into the toilet and reinsert.
* Some women find that putting a little lubricant makes it easier to
insert. If you use lube, it's best to put it on yourself, not on
the cup, or it'll be slippery. Only use water-based lubricant
* Cups most often come in two sizes. The
smaller is usually recommended for women under 30, and the larger
is recommended for women over 30 and/or those have given birth
vaginally. However, a large cup in one brand may be the same size
as a small cup in another! Therefore, it's more important to
consider the heaviness of your flow and features of your anatomy,
than adhering to this guideline. See wikiHow's article on how to
choose a menstrual cup [29] for more information.
* Menstrual cups are very comfortable to wear and sporting
activities such as swimming or yoga can be performed with no ill
effect. Make sure your cup is properly sealed though, and it's
also a good idea to empty your cup just before the physical
activity. You may see a little water in the cup if you remove it
after swimming, but that's alright.
!! Warnings !!
* Menstrual cups are not a form of contraceptive and must be removed
before sexual intercourse. (However, disposable Instead Softcups
[30] can be used during sex along with a contraceptive.)
* Do not forget that you have a menstrual cup in. Empty and rinse at
least every 12 hours. If you leave it in longer, watch out for
signs of infection. There have been no cases of cup related toxic
shock syndrome (TSS), but if you notice any symptoms of TSS,
contact a doctor right away.
* On heavier days, a full cup can leak; wearing back-up pads and
emptying your cup more often for these days can help.
* Be careful to keep the cup in an upright position when pulling it
out so that it does not spill.
* Don't be discouraged if a friend is disgusted by the concept of a
menstrual cups. Some people will open to the idea, and some will
not. A good way to open the subject is, "Have you heard of
menstrual cups?" This way you can gauge their initial reaction,
and whether you want to try to convince them to try a cup and
share your experience.
* Don't worry about making
sure your cup's position matches a picture or a diagram. What
matters is that the cup is not leaking and you are not able to
feel it. Depending on the shape of your vagina and your cervix
location, the cup may sit high or low. And once it is inserted, it
will most likely gravitate there on its own. Both of the images to
the right are correct placements of a cup.
!! Related WikiHows !!
* How to Clean a Menstrual Cup [31]
* How to Choose a Menstrual Cup [32]
* How to Make Your Own Reusable Menstrual Pads [33]
* How to Wash a Reusable Menstrual Pad [34]
* How to Reduce Menstrual Cramps [35]
* How to Use a Tampon [36]
* How to Swim when You Are on Your Period [37]
* How to Decide About Menstrual Cups As a Teen [38]
* How to Use an Instead Softcup [39]
* Menstrual Cup UserInfoBox [40]
!! Sources And Citations !!
* Menstrual Cup Community on LiveJournal [41] - A place to talk,
read, and get advice
!! Article Tools !!
* Read on wikiHow
[1] http://www.wikihow.com/Help-Save-the-Environment
[2] http://www.wikihow.com/Buy-Resuable-Menstrual-Pads
[3] http://www.wikihow.com/Use-a-Tampon
[4] http://www.wikihow.com/Clean-a-Menstrual-Cup
[5] http://bemoreconfident.info/#_note-0
[6] http://www.wikihow.com/Read
[7] http://www.wikihow.com/Clean-a-Menstrual-Cup
[8] http://www.wikihow.com/Decide-About-Using-a-Menstrual-Cup
[9] http://www.wikihow.com/Buy-a-Menstrual-Cup
[10] http://www.wikihow.com/Clean-a-Bathroom
[11] http://www.wikihow.com/Safely-Use-a-Public-Bathroom
[12] http://www.wikihow.com/Cope-With-Your-Period-on-Vacation
[13] http://www.wikihow.com/Image:Undefined-2079.png
[14] http://www.wikihow.com/Wash-Your-Hands
[15] http://www.wikihow.com/Recognize-and-Avoid-Vaginal-Infections
[16] http://bemoreconfident.info/#_note-1
[17] http://www.wikihow.com/Relax
[18] http://www.wikihow.com/Do-Kegel-Exercises
[19] http://www.wikihow.com/Be-Patient
[20] http://www.wikihow.com/Do-Kegel-Exercises
[21] http://www.wikihow.com/Clean-a-Menstrual-Cup
[22] http://www.wikihow.com/Buy-Reusable-Menstrual-Pads
[23] http://bemoreconfident.info/#_note-2
[24] http://www.wikihow.com/Buy-a-Menstrual-Cup
[25] http://www.wikihow.com/Do-Kegel-Exercises
[26] http://www.wikihow.com/Use-an-Instead-Softcup
[27] http://www.wikihow.com/Use-an-Instead-Softcup
[28] http://www.wikihow.com/Make-Your-Own-Reusable-Menstrual-Pads
[29] http://www.wikihow.com/Choose-a-Menstrual-Cup
[30] http://www.wikihow.com/Use-an-Instead-Softcup
[31] http://www.wikihow.com/Clean-a-Menstrual-Cup
[32] http://www.wikihow.com/Choose-a-Menstrual-Cup
[33] http://www.wikihow.com/Make-Your-Own-Reusable-Menstrual-Pads
[34] http://www.wikihow.com/Wash-a-Reusable-Menstrual-Pad
[35] http://www.wikihow.com/Reduce-Menstrual-Cramps
[36] http://www.wikihow.com/Use-a-Tampon
[37] http://www.wikihow.com/Swim-when-You-Are-on-Your-Period
[38] http://www.wikihow.com/Decide-About-Menstrual-Cups-As-a-Teen
[39] http://www.wikihow.com/Use-an-Instead-Softcup
[40] http://www.wikihow.com/Template:User-Cup
[41] http://www.livejournal.com/userinfo.bml?user=menstrual_cups
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