Quitting your job to take a road trip can be a big leap of faith but
it's one that will bring rewards of self-discovery and discovery of
others. Traveling on a long road trip can change your life for the
better and forge new friendships and understandings that propel you
in new directions in life. Don't wait until you retire to get out
and see the country; it's easier than you might think but it does
require some preparation.
This article will help guide you through the process of planning a
long road trip, which needs to begin at least six months before you
head off.
_Note: While this article is written mainly for a road trip in the
United States, some of the elements are equally applicable to road
trips in countries like Canada, South Africa, and Australia._
!! Steps !!
Prepare yourself for the experience. Mark Twain once said: _"Twenty
years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you
didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines.
Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover."_ If you've been longing to get away and
discover the beauty and wonder of both nature [1] and people that
are located right off your doorstep, stop waiting and start
considering the possibility as a reality. You might not have to quit
your job; depending on your employer and the type of job you have,
it might be possible to take extended leave owing to you, or to take
leave without pay. Alternatively, it might be the right time to
throw in your job and to seek other opportunities as part of the
road trip experience; after all, you never know who or what you're
going to meet as part of your experience and new doors will
definitely open for those who look
* Consider asking for an extended leave of absence or perhaps
arrange a sabbatical. While this can limit the length of your
trip, it will also have the added benefit of potentially allowing
you to carry health coverage through your employer, and having a
job to return to when you get home. At least ask; all they can do
is say no!
Plan thoroughly. Doing much of your planning on the front end will
allow your adventure to be much more stress-free [2] and enjoyable.
Allow at least a half year to a year to plan and _save those
* Set your budget [3] and plan the length of your trip: These two go
hand it hand. The longer you are gone, the more money you'll need.
If you are planning to quit your job, you'll probably want to
travel for at least 4 to 6 months to make it worthwhile.
* Realistically, try to determine how much money you'll need each
month while traveling. You need to include basic expenses such as
food, gas, and nightly expenses, but also other expenses such as
health care, auto/RV insurance [4], storage of personal items back
home, credit card payments, an emergency fix-it fund for the rig,
maybe even plane fare so you can travel home to see loved ones
once or twice, especially in the event of an emergency, a new
arrival, or a special anniversary or birthday.
* If children are coming with you, you will need to consider their
age needs and their educational needs (if relevant). You might
need to homeschool [5] as you travel – be sure to clear the
requirements with your home state before leaving, as well as
checking with your kids that this is going to work for them too.
* Have health check-ups before setting off. If you need medications
or ongoing check-ups, be sure to ask your doctor how this might be
possible as you travel.
* Decide whether your pets are going to be a part of your
experience. This is much easier for dogs than cats; you may need
to consider boarding or paid feeding options for pets unable to
come with you. Sometimes family members can be a good option for
caring for pets temporarily at their own homes. If you do take
pets, ensure that they are properly registered and that their
vaccinations are completely up-to-date. Be sure that they can
travel in safety with you; you may need to invest in special
harnesses or crates. Bear in mind that having a pet can limit the
places you stay.
Plan your route. This is really a matter of personal preference. You
can plan very specifically where you will go and when, or you can
just generally plan the direction you would like to go and play it
by ear. The latter approach allows you the advantage of discovering
unexpected destinations and staying to explore, and that's what the
trip [6] is all about, right? Not being obliged to be at one
destination by a certain time also allows you to relax a lot more.
* If planning to cross over to Canada or Mexico, be sure to have
your passport and all vehicle registration papers with you. Know
what you can take across the border both ways – ask customs
officials if you're not sure.
Ideas for places to visit along the way:
Elwha Dam, Washington [7] Kamloops Lake, British Columbia
[8] Bigfoot Tourist Trap, Hwy 101, Northern CA [9]
Moab, Utah [10] Spokane, Washington [11]
Cedar Breaks NM, Utah
Choose your recreational vehicle [12] (RV) style. There are several
possibilities to choose from, and your choice depends on your
budget, comfort level requirements, and personal interests. Some of
the options include: a van, a motor home [13], a trailer, or a
5th-Wheel. Choosing or buying an RV can be a guide all by itself,
but some main things to consider when selecting an RV include:
* Resale value: If you'll be buying a rig just for the trip,
consider the resale value as a topmost concern. Some RV makes tend
to hold their values well, others not so much. Do your research
with care and ask other RV owners what their preferred choices
* Weight: Take time to learn about weight ratings such as GVWR or
CCC. Slides are nice, but can add unsafe weight.
* Storage: Consider the available space for both personal items,
fresh water, waste tanks, propane, food, etc. Typically, motor
homes and 5th wheels have more storage capacity than travel
trailers or vans. If you're taking along a lot of sporting,
expedition, hobby, or camping equipment, bear this in mind.
* Size: Bigger is not always better. Get something practical and
comfortable, but avoid bigger unless it's absolutely essential.
Bigger can be more expensive to move around and you may be limited
to only certain campgrounds [14] by having too large an RV. When
traveling a long time, it can be helpful to err on the side of
being able to get around more easily and squeeze into smaller
spaces; it'll take you a lot farther.
* Power: Will you need a generator [15], solar, or will you be
plugging in every night?
* Towing: If you go with a motor home, you may want to consider
towing another vehicle behind you (toad). Having an everyday
driver can be great, because you won't have to pack up the entire
RV just to run to the grocery store or maneuver up those windy
roads for a day hike. But there are special considerations, and
some states require auxiliary braking in the "toad", so be sure to
research the regulations before contemplating this add-on.
Allow yourself plenty of time to find the right RV. Start looking
now so that you can familiarize yourself with market trends and
relative prices and conditions of RVs.
* Learn how to inspect an RV [16], and what types of questions to
ask of the seller.
* Arrange financing with your bank, and expect that you will only be
able to finance about 80 percent of the Blue Book value of the RV.
You'll likely need to come up with 20 percent down payment.
* Be cautious of dealers; you'll probably find the best deals as
private party sales. If you do want to buy from a dealer - go to
the dealer with your _own financing_ in hand, and know your stuff
inside out.
* Read Know what to look for when buying a Used RV [17], How to use
a Guide to buy a Used RV [18], How to buy foreclosed RVs [19], and
How to buy a used motor home [20] for more details.
Put your plan into action. Once you've determined how much you'll
need to save, you can start concurrently putting money away into a
savings account and reducing your spending at home. Living on the
road is a frugal [21] experience, and you'll likely need to change
your spending habits. Starting now allows you to save more, and gets
you used to spending less. If you're able, try to pay down any
outstanding debt, especially credit cards, car payments, hire
purchase, etc.
Pack [22] up! Take what only what you need or love. Once you've
packed up the RV - take _at least_ a quarter of it out of the RV and
leave it at home. This trip isn't about the stuff you have; it's
about the stuff you haven't seen. So pack light - all your goodies
will be waiting for you when you get home. If you need something
later on that you've left behind, you can either buy it new, or ask
someone from home to ship it to you.
* Take care of your home in your absence. It's important to have
your home cared for while you are gone. Some options include
having family members or trusted people housesit for you while
you're away; rent out the property through an agency; have the
neighbors check in regularly and perhaps pay a gardener to tend to
the garden; shut the house up (similar to winterizing [23]) but
only if you can be sure that leaving your house unattended is a
safe and secure thing to do.
Stick to your budget [24]! Nothing will shorten your trip faster
than spending more than you saved. So long as you stick your budget
and have some money set aside for emergency repairs, your travels
should be pretty worry free.
* Have a splurge night now and then so that you don't feel deprived.
Build the occasional restaurant meal or cinema visit into the
budget so that you can still have a total break from cooking and
home entertainment now and then.
* Enjoy the journey. Keep a record of where you have been
in a journal [25], scrapbook, online blog, etc. – whatever works
best for you. You're likely to visit a lot of places and it's easy
to forget some of the experiences without memory prompts. Take
lots of photos and store them carefully on your computer or online
and share them with family and friends too. And make the most of
your contacts; you never know what might be about to turn up next
in your life!
!! Video !!
!! Tips !!
* RV specific toilet paper expensive and is not needed, but do be
careful what kind you use. Many kinds can clog your system. Scott
1-ply seems to work well. If in doubt, do a test: Fill an empty
jar half full with water, put in a sheet or two of toilet paper,
and shake the jar rapidly for a few seconds. If the toilet paper
falls apart it's RV holding tank friendly.[1] [26]
* Many RV parks have a book exchange room, take a book - leave a
book. Keeps costs down and allows new reading material! Also check
libraries along the way; many have sell-outs of old magazines and
books for next-to-nothing. Stopping at the local library can often
be an excellent way of finding out local information on events and
places to visit too.
* Wal-Mart allows free overnight camping in most of their parking
lots. Clean up your mess, and be respectful.
* BLM land usually has free or inexpensive camping. Look up a local
BLM office in the town you are visiting for more information.
* Get used to taking navy showers. They still do the job and you
save time looking for showers and you save water. Have a decent
deodorant with you.
* Wash dishes in a dishpan, and dump the used dishwater in the
toilet (black tank); the gray tank has a tendency to fill rather
* RV parks provide many amenities you are used to at home - cable,
WiFi internet, running water, hookup to sewer, and even hot, long
showers in bathroom facilities. You'll come to savor a 'regular'
* Some resort RV park chains will offer a free stay if you agree to
sit through a sales presentation. At presentation time, nicely
tell the sales person that you are only interested in the free
stay, and they will be glad you saved them the time and breath.
* There are tons of websites catering to RV folk. Start exploring.
* An interesting way to find destinations in an unfamiliar area is
to go to Google Images or to Flickr and type in the name of the
town, or park. Choose images that you like, there will usually be
information attached to the picture to point you in the right
* Bring clothing you can layer, and mix-and-match. Keep it simple.
* Open a Credit Union account that has online access and a network
of ATMs around the country. To get cash easily without locating an
ATM, just get cashback when you purchase groceries.
* "RV Consumer Group" is a non-profit organization that rates the
safety characteristics of many makes and models of RVs. Use it to
check the models you are considering.
* If you plan to visit National Parks, get a parks pass at the first
National Park you visit. For the rest of your trip, you'll get
free entry to all National Parks and Monuments.
* Visit Farmers Markets for the best of fresh seasonal food in the
area your visiting. Doing this can be a real treat – fresh
cheeses, freshly baked pies, or local honey are just a few of the
foods you might encounter!
* Campgrounds at parks can fill up quickly during the summer months,
especially on weekends. If you'd like to stay the weekend at a
certain park, its best to arrive Sunday to Wednesday for a
guaranteed spot.
!! Warnings !!
* Be safe driving your new RV. Learn safety practices, keep your
tires properly inflated and in good condition, and distribute
weight evenly in the RV. And remember - you're not in a hurry, so
slow down!
* Once you've traveled on the road, going back to work and staying
put can be difficult. Be forewarned, a couple months after
returning home, you'll be planning your next trip.
!! Things You'll Need !!
* GPS Unit - This is very handy for navigating new towns; it can
help you to easily find banks, grocery stores, campgrounds, even
dump stations along the way
* Gas credit card - gives you cash back with every gas purchase; try
the Discover Open Road Card
* Join a Camping Club such as "Happy Campers". Pay a small
membership fee and you have access to nightly discounts at select
RV parks throughout North America
* Camera to document your explorations
* A laptop, iPad, and iPod/MP3 player will keep you connected, and
allows you to transport your music library and electronic books to
* DVDs of favorite movies for rainy nights in
* First aid equipment
* Satellite dish for TV reception
* Passport if crossing borders
!! Related WikiHows !!
* How to Travel on a Very Limited Budget [27]
* How to Homestead in a Travel Trailer [28]
* How to Camp As a Lifestyle [29]
* How to Hitchhike [30]
* How to Use Zipcars [31]
!! Sources And Citations !!
!! Article Tools !!
* Read on wikiHow
[1] http://www.wikihow.com/Enjoy-Nature
[2] http://www.wikihow.com/Lead-a-Stress-Free-Life
[3] http://www.wikihow.com/Budget-Your-Money
[4] http://www.wikihow.com/Insure-Your-RV-at-the-Lowest-Price
[5] http://www.wikihow.com/Homeschool-Your-Children
[6] http://www.wikihow.com/Prepare-for-a-Photographic-Trip
[7] http://www.wikihow.com/Image:605445243_7821ab9cda.jpg
[8] http://www.wikihow.com/Image:841988100_30a0bff139.jpg
[9] http://www.wikihow.com/Image:461120514_4c19356e06.jpg
[10] http://www.wikihow.com/Image:1190041760_c534b2b026.jpg
[11] http://www.wikihow.com/Image:1209590280_80c4fdd154.jpg
[12] http://www.wikihow.com/Rent-an-RV
[13] http://www.wikihow.com/Buy-a-Used-Motor-Home
[14] http://www.wikihow.com/Follow-Campground-Etiquette
[15] http://www.wikihow.com/Maintain-a-Generator
[16] http://www.wikihow.com/Choose-a-Suitable-RV-Camper
[17] http://www.wikihow.com/Know-What-to-Look-for-when-Buying-a-Used-RV
[18] http://www.wikihow.com/Use-a-Guide-to-Buy-a-Used-RV
[19] http://www.wikihow.com/Buy-Foreclosed-RVs
[20] http://www.wikihow.com/Buy-a-Used-Motor-Home
[21] http://www.wikihow.com/Be-Frugal
[22] http://www.wikihow.com/Pack-for-a-Camping-Trip
[23] http://www.wikihow.com/Winterize-a-Vacant-Home
[24] http://www.wikihow.com/Create-a-Successful-Budget
[25] http://www.wikihow.com/Keep-a-Journal
[26] http://bemoreconfident.info/#_note-0
[27] http://www.wikihow.com/Travel-on-a-Very-Limited-Budget
[28] http://www.wikihow.com/Homestead-in-a-Travel-Trailer
[29] http://www.wikihow.com/Camp-As-a-Lifestyle
[30] http://www.wikihow.com/Hitchhike
[31] http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Zipcars
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