Saturday, 1 January 2011

How to Improve Your Workout (for Men)

How to Improve Your Workout (for Men)

"First say to yourself what you would be; and
then do what you have to do." Once said by
Epictetus, this saying can be aptly applied to
the task of improving your workout at the gym.

Do you know what to do in order to maximize your workout? Just follow
these steps and you'll be surprised at the impact a better workout
will have on your body, strength, and sense of general well-being.
After trying the approach outlined in these steps, you'll find
yourself getting better results in the same amount of time (or even
less time!) than you're already spending on working out.

!! Steps !!

Maybe you want to impress the women in your life?Define a
purpose. If you\'ve been working out [1] for for some time,
you'll already have some experience, and that's good. But what
is the purpose of your time spent at the gym? If you come up
with specific goals, you'll get better results and maintain your
motivation [2].

* An example might be that you want to achieve a physical form that
women find irresistible and men will be jealous of.

Get clearGet a clear picture of your goal [3]. Simply bulking
up is not a specific enough goal. What measurements do you want
to achieve? What body shape do you want to have?

* The more detailed your goal is, the higher the chances of
achieving it. Think about what your ideal body would look like and
use this as your focal point.

* Write down the measurements of your shoulders, chest etc. that
you'd like to have in three months, a year from now, or five years
into the future. Ask yourself this question: "What muscles do I
need to focus on in order to reach my goal?"

Find a quality workout plan. You cannot build
an irresistible body without knowledge of
different kinds of exercises and what you can
achieve with them. You'll also need to inform
yourself about the proper workout structure
and the particular muscles [4] you'll need to
develop. Take advantage of the vast amount of
already researched knowledge available in this
field. Derive a workout plan not all by
yourself, but by consulting fitness experts.
See "Tips" for some examples.

* Read books by fitness specialists, as well as looking for their
videos online. You can learn a great deal watching the many
uploaded videos from fitness experts, and all for free!

Dedicate some time to warming up [5]. Don't
underestimate this important first step of
your workout. Many people designate a mere two
minutes or less to stretching [6]. Wrong!
Optimal would be to dedicate 10-15 minutes to
warming up your body. Start with 8 minutes on
the stationary bicycle and concentrate on the
muscles you will be working on that day.

* For example, if you are going to train your chest, back and arms,
do 1-2 exercises for each of these muscle groups; you can do 1-2
sets of 15-21 reps. Choose weights that are approximately 20-25
percent of your maximum strength.

* Avoid distraction [7]. This includes
chatting with staff or friends and listening to the radio between
sets. If you want to talk to your friends, you can do so after
your workout. To create your own personal workout space, take an
mp3 player with a playlist [8] of tunes that motivate you to push
yourself harder.

* Take some time off between sessions. Train 4
to 5 times per week at maximum, which will leave you with 2 to 3
days off. It would be best not to train on weekends. If you'd like
to go to the gym 4 times per week, you can do so on Mondays,
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. If you choose to train five times
a week, it is best to take off one day in the middle of the week
plus one day on the weekend.

* You have a life outside the gym!Avoid becoming obsessed and
spending too much time at the gym. This will make you turn into a
"gym rat." If your goal is to build a better looking body to
improve your social life [9], how will this happen if you spend
your life at the gym? If your training has become an addiction,
limit your workout session to 80 minutes. This way you can spend
enough time working on your body effectively while also
maintaining a balanced lifestyle.

!! Video !!

!! Tips !!

Recommended sources for reliable and thoroughly researched information

* Men's Guide for Building an Irresistible Body, [10]

* A Logical Discussion of Exercise, Nutrition and Health, [11]

!! Related WikiHows !!

* How to Check Whether Morning Workouts Will Improve Your Fitness

* How to Make a Fitness Calendar [13]

* How to Achieve Overall Fitness [14]

* How to Achieve Your Fitness Goal [15]

* How to Build a Solid Workout Routine [16]

!! Sources And Citations !!

* Original source of article, [17]. Shared with

!! Article Tools !!

* Read on wikiHow




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