Friday, 26 November 2010

6 Tips to Avoid Buying a Fake Designer Bag

6 Tips to Avoid Buying a Fake Designer Bag

A new designer bag is a joy; discovering it's a
fake and you've forked out big dollars for it is
not. If you're in the market for a designer bag,
this article will help you work out how to spot
the replica, the fake, and the genuine article.

!! Steps !!

Understand the difference between an illegal
fake bag, a legal knock-off, and a genuine
designer bag. Knowing the difference enables you
to make an informed choice about the purchase of
any bag.

* A genuine designer bag is made by the original well-known designer
(it can also be made by a less known designer obviously but for
the sake of this article, the focus is on high-end designers). The
bag's logo, charms, attachments, etc., are all part of the
original design down to the exact positioning and number of such
features. Tags, signatures, or marks stating the designer's name
form an integral part of the bag's overall design and
authenticity. Price is determined by what the consumer is prepared
to pay for a designer label.

* A legal knock-off/imitation is "designer-inspired" but is not a
direct copy. Provided such a bag does not claim to be the original
designer's bag and does not attempt to use the trademarked
symbols, logos, or features, then in many cases, it can legally
imitate the style and colors of a bag, while taking care that any
stylization of defining features of the original bag deviate in
evident ways in order to avoid breaching copyright. It might
suggest the bag "looks like", "is like", or "is similar in style
to", etc. the brand that it's inspired by but won't claim to be an
actual Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Hermès, etc. Without close
inspection, it can be easy to mistake the additions for the real
thing, sometimes causing you to spend too much on it in the belief
it's the original designer's bag. However, if you know what to
look for, you should be able to spot the differences.

* Illegal fake bags put themselves across as being the genuine
designer's bag, right down to the very last logo, tag, charms,
etc. Fakes copy everything about the designer bag, and pass
themselves off as the original brand, with no attempt to
distinguish themselves as look-alikes. Prices for fakes can vary
considerably from cheap to trying to sell the bag for high
amounts. It's illegal to make fake merchandise, and while buying
it is not illegal, doing so supports illegal activity.[1]

* Be aware that designer-inspired knock-off bags can carry the
blessing of the original high-end designer where adequate
compensation has been paid and contracts exchanged allowing for
lower-end knock-offs in chain retailers, etc. Usually the store
will proudly say something along the lines of "as licensed by X
brand for our store".

Be store wise. The best place to purchase a
designer bag is to go to a renowned store to
purchase a designer bag. Suitable stores
include stores carrying the same name as the
brand, and quality department or boutique bag
stores. The staff should be knowledgeable when
questioned about the pedigree, quality, and
guarantees concerning the bag.

* Assume that any designer bag being sold at a flea market or street
vendor is suspect. Designer labels do not authorize street vendors
to sell designer bags or purses, period. It would be a rare
occasional find to have a cheap designer bag being thrown out at a
flea market; it's possible but improbable.

* Know all you can about designer bags if you're purchasing from
estate sales, thrift stores, online auction sites, etc. Apply the
following steps to any purchases of designer bags made at such

* Ask trusted fashionistas you know where they purchase their
designer bags from. They'll be wise to the good stores.

Be realistic about the price. Designer bags
cost a lot of money because they are well
crafted and they're status symbols. If the
price is too good to be true, then it is, and
the bag's a fake.[2]

* If you do buy legal knock-offs, be sure you don't pay much and
double check the quality!

Ask the vendor if the bag is real, a copy, or a
fake. Judge for yourself the ring of
authenticity from the answer; keep your
emotions in check and your common sense at the
forefront. Sellers who avoid answering
questions or are evasive have something to

* Ask if you can return it if it's faulty or fake. Naturally, don't
expect street vendors to agree to this!

* Ask if there are any certificates of authenticity accompanying the

Know the signs of a fake or knockoff bag. There
are numerous signs that can point to a bag's
lack of authenticity:[4]

* The stitching: Look closely at the stitching of the bag. Sloppy,
slanted, and uneven stitching is a sign of a poorly made, and
therefore, fake bag. Designer bags will always have quality
stitching because it is part of the designer's reputation to
produce a quality item.

* Check the tags or labels. Check the inside tags – are they
stamped into leather or hand-stitched? An obvious fake will have
no name on the inside tag. Check outside tags as well because many
designers include authenticity labels on the outside of the bag.

* Check the material. If it's leather, it should smell like leather.
If it's supposed to be durable canvas, it should be strong and
well stitched. The material can tell you a lot about the bag's

* Check the logo. Logos are often a slip-up area for copies. They
may have spelled the name slightly differently, such as Carter
instead of Cartier. And, the more popular the "knocked off" bag,
the greater the need to be careful because it's easy to be taken
advantage of. When you look at the stitching on the sides and you
see the "LV" it should be continued onto the other side of the bag
and this also goes for the other symbols on the bag. And most
knockoff Chanel bags have interlocking Os instead of Cs, which
actually makes it legal to sell but is, of course, a fake. They
snip it to make it look real when it comes out of a dust bag.

* Look for a serial number. This is a stamp inside that says the
brand (it may not be in all bags).

* Check the lining. If the interior sounds like paper rubbing
together, then it's not the real thing. A real designer bag will
be lined, and often with leather. Again, check the stitching of
the lining if relevant.

* Look for color variations. Although some variations will be
blatant, others may be very subtle. Be sure to have a close

* Notice wear break-in. Although this is post-purchase, how your bag
wears in can be a sign of its authenticity. For example, the
leather on the handle, after a few weeks, should look like a good
worn leather jacket does. It should have an "aged look". Stitching
should stay intact and not begin to fray.

Don't confuse a designer bag with making a
purchase of value. With a designer bag, you're
buying the label as much as the bag and it may
not be to your budget's benefit unless money is
not an issue. Always check the bag, designer or
ordinary brand, for its quality before its
style. That way, you'll soon learn that even
some designer ranges make compromises that
aren't acceptable for the price asked. It
hardly makes sense to spend $1000 on a plastic
bag with a designer label over a well-made
ordinary label leather bag at $200. Investigate
and keep your head in charge of your wallet,
not your fashion-hijacked heart.

* Look for young, up-and-coming designers whose designs show
incredible promise but aren't yet fetching huge prices. They may
be selling online through a site such as Etsy, on consignment in a
quality clothing or gift store, or in a local craft market, etc.
Learn how to spot quality and style and support a new designer.

!! Video !!

!! Tips !!

* Remember to look at the tags. The tags are a dead giveaway of a
knock-off. If the tags don't look hand-stitched, stamped, or even
not there, it's not real.

* Remember if the leather isn't heavy like leather should be it's
not real or poorly made meaning it's not real.

* If you can avoid it, don't buy your "designer" bags off the

* The Juicy symbol is currently "Love G&P". Knockoffs may have "Love
P&G", however it could also just mean the bag is a bit older, as
Juicy products manufactured prior to 2006 had "Love P&G".

* Spell check tags on the purse. If there's a typographical error on
any tag on the outside or the inside of the purse, it's a fake,
for sure.

* Most design houses like Louis Vuitton who make bags with their
signature logo or monogram have ways to tell if the bag is fake or
real. Louis Vuitton's signature "LV" bags are the hardest to
detect a fake.

!! Warnings !!

* If you're planning on selling fakes, be completely aware of the
legal and moral implications. Online auction sites are always
clamping down on fakes; it's fine to be selling the real item, or
a knock-off not claiming to be the real item but it's never fine
to sell fake bags.

!! Related WikiHows !!

* How to Choose Unique Handbags and Purses

* How to Buy Quality Handbags for Your Boutique

* How to Become a Handbag Designer

* How to Buy a Handbag for Work

* How to Collect Handbags

!! Sources And Citations !!

!! Article Tools !!

* Read on wikiHow



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