Wednesday, 10 November 2010

How to Become a Yogi in 6 Not-So-Easy Steps

How to Become a Yogi in 6 Not-So-Easy Steps

Shiva the positive dancer with the life. Yoga refers to traditional
physical and mental disciplines that originated in India. The word is
associated with meditative practices in Hinduism, Buddhism, and
Jainism. Major branches of yoga in Hindu philosophy include Raja Yoga
(Patanjali, meditation and positive thinking), Karma Yoga (do good),
Jnana Yoga (think about yourself), Bhakti Yoga (pray to God, the Guru
or to your inner self), and Hatha Yoga (body exercises and

The Sanskrit word "yoga" has many meanings, and is derived from the
Sanskrit root "yuj", meaning "to control" (self discipline), "to yoke"
(egolessness) or "to unite" (live in a cosmic consciousness). It is
also possible that the word yoga derives from "yujir samadhau," which
means "contemplation". Someone who practices yoga or follows the yoga
philosophy to a high level of attainment is called a yogi or yogini.

A yogi (or yogin) is a term for a male practitioner of various forms
of spiritual practice. In Hinduism it refers to an adherent of yoga.
The word is also often used in the Buddhist context to describe
Buddhist monks or a householder devoted to meditation. The Shiva
Samhita text defines the yogi as someone who knows that the entire
cosmos is situated within his own body.[2] Yogini is the feminine
form. Yoginis are known to possess a steadfast mind, which they
cultivate through the disciplined pursuit of transcendence. Tantric
scholars have described yoginis as independent, outspoken women with
graceful spirits. Though the leaders of the modern Yoga-asana and
meditation tradition have often been male, the vast majority of modern
practitioners are female, including many who have attained mastery
through the yoga of the embodied Shakti mysteries of the life cycle
and mothering. In the Hindu tradition, the mother is first guru
(teacher) and in the yoga tradition, proper respect of yoginis is a
necessary part of the path to liberation. A yogini is the sacred
feminine force: the goddesses of mythology (Lakshmi, Durga, Kali). [3]
In the following steps, you will learn how to start your journey to
becoming a yogi or yogini.

!! Steps !!

* Practice yoga for health, inner peace, or enlightenment. You are a
yogi or a yogini if you practice yoga for health, beauty,
strength, relaxation, or healing. You are a yogi or yogini if you
practice yoga for inner peace, happiness and enlightenment. You
are a yogi or yogini if you are enlightened. Enlightenment means
to live in God, in the light, in a cosmic consciousness. [4] [5]
Be a theist or an atheist. In modern yoga, your religion can be
your preference. Yoga teaches the unity of all religions. You can
be a yogi and a Hindu, a Christian, a Muslim, a Buddhist or an
atheist. An atheist can still be a yogi, if he or she wants to
realize inner peace and happiness. For example, the Greek
philosopher Diogenes who lived in a clay jar, was a yogi;[6]
Socrates was an enlightened master;[7] and Epicurus lived like a
yoga guru in an ashram.[8]

* You can be a Christian yogi if you want. The most important
Christian yogis were the Desert Fathers and Mothers [9]. Their
enlightened master was the Holy Antonius [10]. Many Buddhists live
as yogis alone or in a cloister. The majority of yogis are Hindus.
Nowadays, more and more yogis also live in the western world.

Practise yoga, meditation, and positive thinking. The three great
books of yoga are the Yoga-Sutra from Patanjali,[11] the
Hatha-Yoga-Pradipika from Goraksha,[12] and the Bhagawad Gita from
Krishna.[13] Therefore the basic yoga techniques are positive
thinking (Patanjali), meditation (Patanjali), body work
(Goraksha), praying (Krishna), and loving all beings (Krishna).

* If you can, get copies of these books and read them to learn more.

* Learn the five basic features: truth, peace, love, self-discipline
and happiness. Important modern yoga masters are Swami
Sivananda,[14] Anandamayi Ma,[15] Sai Baba,[16] Amritanandamayi
(Amma),[17] and Mother Meera[18]. They teach the basic features
truth, peace, love, self-discipline and happiness. Learn from
their examples.

* Get an initiation. It is a good idea to get an initiation[19] from
an enlightened master. He or she will open the doors of your
enlightenment energy (kundalini-energy).[20] However, realize that
you have to practice and realize your enlightenment on your own.
And have patience – enlightenment will appear when the time is
right for you.

* Purify yourself and become happy. Spiritually, human beings can be
compared to onions. Tension and conflict must be dissolved layer
by layer. When one layer is peeled away, the next quickly appears
at the surface until the inner core is revealed. At this point, a
lasting inner joy is found, and the yogi or yogini lives in the
light (in spite of the reality that there is still much to be

!! Video !!

!! Tips !!

* Shiva[21] is the supreme God in yoga.[22] We can see
Shiva as the symbol of a victorious yogi. Shiva has a cosmic
consciousness and lives above the world of duality. Shiva as
cosmic consciousness can occur in many forms. The most famous
incarnations of Shiva are the meditator (the practicing yogi), the
blessing (the karma yogi), the ego sacrificer (subordinated under
the goddess Kali), the dancer (with the life) and the lover (Shiva
and Shakti hand in hand or in sexual union). Shiva is the master
of life. Shiva lives his life with the five elements or features
of love (earth), joy (air), wisdom (water), strength (fire), and
resting (space, cosmos). He lives at the right moment. He sees
himself as the winner and becomes a winner. He is programmed for
success. At the same time, Shiva is always aware that he is a
beggar before God, nothing compared with the size of the cosmos,
and an ego-free wanderer through life.
Use the following activity as part of your journey to becoming a
yogi or yogini:

* 1. The Winner = Shake your fists near your head and think: "I am a
winner. I reach my goal. ... My goal is...."

* 2. The Strong = Rub your feet on the ground and visualize the
Mount Meru[23] among us, and say: "I'm sitting on the Mount Meru
(Himalaya Mountains). I maintain equanimity in pain. I'm heading
my way with perseverance."

* 3. The Egoless = Make large circles with your hands around you,
visualize the cosmos full of stars and think: "I live in the great
system of the cosmos. I let go of my own will. I take things the
way they are."

* 4. The Hatha-Yogi = Visualize within yourself the Kundalini
Serpent, twist in the spine, move your toes and think: "I am a
Hatha Yogi. I walk the path of Hatha Yoga. I save myself with my
spiritual exercises."

* 5. The Karma-Yogi = Move your hand, send all beings light and
think, "I am a Karma Yogi. I help all beings. I send light to...".
Shiva means "The Good". He sees himself in all his fellow beings.
He wants all his friends to be happy. He works for the goal of a
happy world.

* 6. Master Yoga = Rub your palms before your heart chakra,
visualize the sky above you and think, "Om all enlightened
masters. I ask for guidance and help on my way."

* 7. Shiva Picture = Concentrate on a picture or a statue of Shiva.
Move one hand and take the energy from Shiva. Think several times
the mantra "Om Namah Shivaya" (I connect myself with Shiva) or
"Shivo Ham" (I am Shiva) and feel how the energy of Shiva flows
with the mantra in you.

* 8. Meditation = Put your hands in your lap, move your toes and
think the mantra "Om Shanti" (inner peace) in the belly, "Om
Shanti, Om Shanti, Om ..." Then stop every thought for a minute.
Spend some time relaxing in meditation and then come back. You are
a positive dancer with life.

!! Warnings !!

* Always stay in truth, love, peace, strength and happiness. Don't
overtax or undertax your spiritual path. Practise as you feel

!! Related WikiHows !!

* How to Do the Ten Ethic Principles of Patanjali (Yoga Sutra)

* How to Be a Hatha Yogi

* How to Do Yoga Walking

* How to Do Creative Hatha Yoga

* How to Meditate With Your Inner Voice

* How to Do Yoga and Positive Thinking

* How to Do Laughter Yoga

* How to Be a Karma Yogi (Religion of Love)

* How to Do Goddess Yoga

* How to Do Computer Yoga

* How to Get a Happy, Healthy and Spiritual Old Age

* How to Practice the Five Principles of Health

!! Sources And Citations !!

– research source

!! Article Tools !!

* Read on wikiHow



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