Feeling uptight and frazzled? Taking out your anger and
frustration on everyone and everything around you? Take a
leaf out of the life of a cat and learn to relax more often;
if you can relax like a cat, you'll stop finding life such a
trial. Here are some methods to teach you how to relax like
a cat.
!! Steps !!
Be compassionate with yourself. Cats don't beat themselves up over
not being beautiful enough, adequate enough, tidy enough, rich
enough, feng shui'ed enough, or clever enough. Cats just get on with
loving themselves the way they are.
Quit rushing about. The only times a cat rushes about is when a)
it's fun to do so (like chasing a bumblebee) or b) the chase has
food at the end of it. Apart from those two really good excuses,
cats stretch out, relax, lick themselves (OK, maybe you don't need
to go that far), and sleep.
Meditate. Cats take time out to contemplate the world around them
and to just be. Time to be a copycat.
Practice cat yoga. Ever wondered why some exercises require you to
"stretch like a cat"? The reason is simple - cat's really and truly
know how to stretch for benefit. A cat stretches to relieve
tenseness and restore suppleness in an instant. A cat stretches the
right way; follow her lead.
Hide out. A cat that needs respite doesn't hang around. She goes and
finds a place to hang out in and get over whatever's ailing her.
Apart from serious injuries and death, she'll come back rejuvenated
for keeping her distance. You could try this too.
* Make your own special hiding space at home or in the garden where
you can retreat to when the going gets tough. Go there, lick your
wounds, and come back ready to pick up where you left off.
Purr now and then. Alright, we don't purr. But we laugh and we don't
do it often enough. Many a cat can be set off with the mere
suggestion of a pat, cuddle, or comfy spot. And the contentment that
comes with grooming! See the happiness around you, the wonder in
everything, and feel happiness. And purr laugh a lot more, at things
you've stopped noticing were funny, at things that you have always
found funny.
* Make others around you laugh too.
* Groom your loved ones to increase their level of contentment -
give someone you love a massage, a hair brush or cut, a foot rub,
or a tickle.
Be grateful for small things. As we're rushing off in the pursuit of
perfection and bigger and better things, your cats are reveling in
the length of your delicious green grass, plucking the daisies from
your garden, chewing the yarn strewn across your floor, and
scratching the daylights out of your favorite couch. They have
everything they need, right under their wee noses. And so do you,
it's just that sometimes you're standing too high off the ground to
notice. Get down and spend time seeing your world from your cat's
perspective, and relearn the wonders in your own backyard.
Cuddle, hug, and nuzzle. Whether it's because you or someone you
love had a hard day, or because you're just keen to help another
person relax, a good cuddle, hug, or nuzzle will always come in
handy. Every cat knows this, which is why they perform these
caring rituals regularly. And you might like to top it off by
rubbing yourself on someone's legs... or maybe not.
!! Video !!
!! Tips !!
* Cats make themselves content on any scrap of paper, cloth, ground,
or spot. Learning how to relax wherever you are, regardless of the
challenges surrounding you, is a mighty fine technique to learn
and will no doubt improve your chances of good longevity.
* Watching cats is a form of relaxation in itself; don't forget to
take the time to chill by watching your sleeping, playing,
frolicking feline pals.
!! Warnings !!
* A relaxing human is a target for a cat. Expect your lolling about
to be accompanied by a determined cat sitting right where you'd
like to place your knee, elbow, body, etc.
!! Things You'll Need !!
* Cats - for inspiration
* Relaxing space
!! Related WikiHows !!
* How to Relax With a Hot Bath
* How to Act Like a Cat
* How to Prepare a Relaxing Bath
* How to Stretch
* How to Laugh
!! Article Tools !!
* Read on wikiHow
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