_ Do you find yourself watching TV, wondering what
you could have accomplished had you not just spent 3 hours in front of
the boob tube? Even though today's society seems driven by
television, you don't have_ to own one. It can be challenging to
explain to friends, but you might find the rewards of not owning a TV
outweigh the negatives.
!! Steps !!
_ Don't buy a TV. If you have one, give it to
someone else. Obvious step, but it bears saying. Maybe you don't feel
you have to get rid of it altogether if you already own one. Put it
in a closet or in a room you seldom use. Don't think about turning it
on; put all the board games and sports gear in front of it!
* Trial not having a TV during a vacation. Hire a cabin without a TV
and simply do without. The lack of a TV will cause you and your
friends or family members to resort to finding many other fun
activities to fill the TV void and soon, you won't even notice
it's missing.
* Appreciate silence. Much of modern society
seems bent on filling every waking moment with noise of some sort.
Sometimes, it's conversation - that's pleasant, because you're
really interacting with others. Sometimes, it's music. That can be
pleasant, too - if_ you like the music playing. But most often,
it's just background noise - a TV blaring away in the background,
not really being watched at all. It's just white noise, but it's
distracting enough to keep you from getting things you care about
done. Instead, with the TV gone, appreciate the sound of...
nothing. Now you're free to play music of your choice, or to
listen to nothing at all as you go about your daily life.
* _ Read or write. Many times, writers seek
solitude and silence by going to isolated places, as Thoreau did
with Walden Pond. You can now enjoy writing, listening only to
your muse. Or you can enjoy a book, allowing your imagination to
fill in the sounds from the story, since you'll probably be more
completely immersed than ever before.
Get your chores done more quickly. Without the
TV pulling you to the couch, you should be able
to get your household duties taken care of much
faster. Don't procrastinate - it's not like
you're missing anything by doing them right
* If you've been used to watching TV while doing such chores as
ironing or washing the dishes, find replacement distractions.
Listen to music, listen to the radio (try a station that teaches
you something new), or play an audio book. Another good way of
dealing with larger chores is to break them down into a series of
smaller chores, such as doing 15 minutes of ironing here and there
instead of doing 1 hour of ironing at once. This makes it less
tedious and there's less need for the TV relief.
* Realize this is a personal choice. Much like
the decision to become a vegan, to pursue yoga, or to quit
smoking, this is your_ decision. After all, it's the way you want
to live your life. Don't allow peer pressure to sway you. Don't
argue about it, just smile and say, "I find I'm getting more done
now. I don't miss those TV shows enough to want to go back to the
way I used to live." And let the discussion end there.
_ Think about the benefits to your
child-raising. If you're a parent or guardian, not having a TV can
really shake things up at home. Suddenly your children are left to
discover a lot of other ways to entertain themselves, including
making crafts, getting outdoors, using their imagination, and
reading. The increasing concerns about using TV as a babysitter and
the erosion of creativity brought on by watching the box too much
won't be an issue in your home.
* Be compassionate if you're at the receiving end of the "Your kids
are missing out on what all other kids have" line; it's often fear
of having to live TV-less talking. Simply smile and say something
like "They're having a lot of fun building Lego towers and
treehouses. And their grades are amazing." And if your kids want
to watch TV when they visit their friends, let them; it's
different strokes when in someone else's house.
Be cool about it. For some reason, just like
some ex-smokers, some ex-vidiots tend to want
to proselytize others. This can become quite
obnoxious at times, admonishing others about
their lives, and offering unwanted observations
such as, "Well, if you got rid of that TV, you
might finish that screenplay." Avoid making
smug and superior statements when you're with
friends who do enjoy TV and want to talk about
things they've seen recently. Instead, listen
pleasantly, enjoy their animated conversations,
and refrain from attempting to bring them into
your world.
* Show them your world rather than tell them; do this by inviting
them over for dinner - no TV makes for a nice after-dinner
conversation. Remember - it's you_ who made the decision to be
TV-free, and that is your right. But if your friends have not made
the same decision, it's not up to you to "improve" them.
!! Tips !!
* Fill your home with books, photographs, writing, board and card
games, or craft projects. This way, you can always find something
to do, even on a rainy day.
* Invite friends often. Allowing your home to become a quiet refuge
from a busy world for those you care about can really give them a
lift, and it will reinforce your sense of your home as a retreat
from the cares of the busy world.
* Get a pet. If you feel lonesome without the TV to keep you
company, consider getting a pet of some sort. Generally, people
who give up TV tend to like smaller creatures, so a bunny? A cat?
Caution: parrots are noisy. They look cool, and the talking is
fun, but they squawk and throw seeds. Just letting you know.
!! Warnings !!
* Be careful not to trade in TV for YouTube. It's just as
distracting and absorbing as television. Surfing the web offers
you plenty of opportunities to keep up with the popular culture,
and even allows you to watch episodes of TV if there's a show you
really feel you can't live without. But if you allow the computer
to become your new TV, you're defeating the purpose of getting rid
of your TV.
!! Things You\'ll Need !!
* Inner strength and determination
* A liking for quiet spaces
!! Related WikiHows !!
* How to Be a Quiet Person
* How to Be a Good Writer
* How to Enjoy Reading
* How to Live Simply
* How to Make a Social Skills Trivia Board Game
* How to Create a Household Chore Chart Based on Points
!! Article Tools !!
* Read on wikiHow
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