Tuesday, 30 November 2010

How to Participate in Computer Security Day

How to Participate in Computer Security Day

Computer Security Day is held yearly on November
30th as a way of reminding all computer users
that computer security and safety is an important
personal and workplace responsibility.[1] This is
a good day to do some basic security checks and
to follow up anything you've been meaning to do
for a while. This article presents some of the
things that you might like to consider doing on
Computer Security Day or any day when you're
concerned about your computer's security.

!! Steps !!

* Read your workplace's computer security
policy again. If your workplace has a policy, read it. Even if
you've already read it before, it may have been updated, or you
may have forgotten important parts of it Read it for a refresher.
Check your computer station and office for
security and safety issues. Looking around the
area you work in can reveal a number of hazards
that can be dealt with easily provided you
follow through checking them methodically. Here
are some suggested activities:

* Check the batteries in your computer room's smoke detectors.
Update them if needed. Install them immediately if you have none.

* Check for fire extinguishers. Do you have them near your computing
and server equipment in case of a fire?

* Place monitors, keyboard and other computer equipment on anti-slip
mats where needed.

* Have you got anti-static features in place to prevent shocks? This
is especially important if you work with the internal hardware.

* Have you got power surge protectors in place for all computers and
related equipment? If not, buy some today and install them

Check the security and safety of your computer
hardware. Whenever you leave your room or
office, can other people access or remove your
computing equipment? If so, consider
instituting practices that will prevent them
from doing anything with your computer:

* Put computer security posters in the office or room to remind
everyone of their security responsibilities.

* Use passwords to prevent unwanted access to computers.

* Attach computers to the wall or heavy equipment by means of locks
in order to prevent them from being removed. This is especially
important for laptops and notebooks.

Clean the hardware and your desk zone. A
cluttered workspace and messy office can be the
cause of sloppy work practices in relation to
confidential information and the more at ease
everyone has become with leaving confidential
information lying about, the harder it becomes
to break the slack cycle. Jump on it now!

* Vacuum the computer keyboard and computer area to remove dust
build-up. Wipe down the screens with anti-static wipes.

* Ensure that all dust, including chalk dust, is not covering or
inside computers and related equipment. Also remove pet dander,
especially if your cat has a habit of sleeping next to your
computer as you work.

* Clean the heads on disk drives and other magnetic media drives.

* Clean the area around your computer to remove clutter and to
ensure that you know where all confidential files, discs, memory
sticks, and other related confidential information actually is.
Store everything securely.

Check for software and program vulnerabilities.
Use the tools at hand to keep your computer
software, applications, and programs in top

* When did you last change your password? Do it today if you can't
remember. Read How to choose a computer password that is hard to
guess for more help.

* Do a virus sweep. Read How to remove a virus if you find one.

* Delete unneeded files. They use memory but also create clutter,
making it both harder to find or spot problems, and providing more
potential "gateways" for viruses to enter through. A regular clean
up is cathartic.

* Get rid of your Adobe Flash cookies. Read How to delete Flash
cookies for the instructions.

* Examine the audit files on your computers.

Verify computer inventories. If you're running
a business or you're in the part of the
organization that's responsible for computers,
use this day to take inventories.

* Check inventories of all computer stock in the workplace. Chase up
any missing or borrowed equipment.

* Check the inventory of computer utilities and packaged software.

* Check the inventory of computer applications.

Update computer security training manuals. Plan
to give mini computer security sessions to
staff and other people on this day. Send or
hand out the new manual to people who need it.

* Include all issues of privacy, use of social networking sites such
as Facebook and Twitter in a workplace context, etc. Be sure to
discuss ethics and accountability for workers using external
websites and internal chat and wiki facilities.

* For those working from home or who use computers at home, read up
on security concerns related to using social networking sites and
change your settings to protect yourself.

* Read How to manage Facebook privacy options for more information.

* Know how to spot and avoid falling for online scams such as
phishing, hoax emails, pretexting, etc. Teach members of your
family, community, and coworkers how to spot these scams too.

Back up your computer data. For every computer
owned, back up the data. If you don't already
back-up regularly, make today the day to draw
up a plan to remind yourself to make regular
back-ups, or use a program that will do this
for you automatically.

* Develop a total recovery plan for all computer systems that might
need one.

* Consider having several sources of back-up - online, cloud, USB
sticks, hard drives, etc.

* Check that trouble logs are in place on each computer and are
being used and followed up.

Think security and safety when you're out and
about. Carrying laptops, notebooks, and
electronic data gadgets can lead you into
trouble if you don't pay adequate attention.
Things to do include:

* Never leave a laptop or other electronic gadget in open sight in a
car. Always store out of sight, or preferably, take it with you.
And lock your car, even if all you're doing is paying for gas.

* Remember to pick up your laptop, USB stick, or other electronic
gadget after using it. Leaving it behind on a bar, in a cafe, or
at someone else's house allows anyone access to the information on
the item.

* Avoid carrying laptops and notebooks openly in places where
mugging and pickpocketing is known. While this is mainly of
concern when traveling, always keep your wits about you.

Wipe clean old computers being donated to
charity, schools, or the recycling depot at the
tip. You don't want an unscrupulous person
resurrecting your personal data.

* Read How to clean your computer to sell for more information.

!! Video !!

!! Tips !!

* Large computers will benefit from having dust and water covers
when not in use.

* Put up "No drinking" and "No smoking" signs around computer
equipment areas, especially where computers are opened for repair
or building.

* Use this day to select one computing system to do a risk analysis
on. Make it a team effort.

* Help to spread the word about the importance of maintaining
computer security by visiting local schools or clubs and giving a
volunteer talk on computer security issues and offering to show
people what to do to improve their own computer security.

!! Things You\'ll Need !!

* Virus software (where relevant)

* Anti-static wipes

* Smoke detectors (for all offices and residences)

* Fire extinguisher

* Computer locks

* Anti-static gear

* Anti-slip mats

!! Related WikiHows !!

* How to Avoid Getting a Computer Virus or Worm on Your Windows PC

* How to Prevent Viruses, Spyware, and Adware with Avast and

* How to Remove a Virus

* How to Delete Adware Threats That Norton Antivirus Can't Delete

* How to Get Rid of Spyware Without Commercial Anti Virus Software

* How to Avoid Keyloggers and Viruses in RuneScape

* How to Remove a Virus and Repair Windows XP for Free

!! Sources And Citations !!

* Ideas sourced from http://www.computersecurityday.org/

!! Article Tools !!

* Read on wikiHow



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