Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Flying soon? How to Participate in National Opt Out Day

Flying soon? How to Participate in National Opt Out Day

Worried about where things are heading with full
body scans by the TSA? Many people think that
recent security measures requiring full-body
scans that reveal detailed anatomical images or
pat downs that involve the touching of genitals
take things too far. If you would like to
register your disagreement with these policies,
you may want to participate in National Opt out
day. Here is how.

!! Steps !!

Understand the purpose of National Opt-Out Day. It is not about
breaking the law; what it is about is exercising your right and
responsibility to opt out, as informed by the TSA which states that
"Every day is opt-out day". On November 24, 2010, we the people are
standing up for our right to not be stripped naked, forcefully
searched, and treated as guilty for the mere act of purchasing an
airline ticket and wanting to fly.

* Think about how you feel about being stripped naked or subjected
to forceful pat downs that probe your genitals. Talk with family
members about your concerns and discuss what all of you believe to
be an appropriate level of security checks at an airport.

* Turn up earlier. It is likely that many people participating in
opting out will result in delays, so arrive earlier than usual in
order to participate and make this day a success. The aim is not
to create delays but to educate the public. However, delays may
end up being one side effect.

* Simply opt out as you approach the scanner (AIT, or Advance
Imaging Technology) machines. On November 24, tell the operator:
"I opt out".

* Realize that this will cause you to have to undergo the enhanced
pat down. This is because you have a choice between one bad method
and another bad method, effectively meaning that there is no
choice. This can mean that your genitals will be touched

* Inform the operator that you want your pat down in full public and
that you do not want to be touched in a way that you consider to
be sexual harassment or assault. Everyone will be able to see what
is happening if you refuse the offer to be searched in a back
room, with the idea being that this will increase public concern
over a highly invasive procedure.

* Keep within the law. You are entitled to opt out. You are entitled
to voice your concerns. Simply opt out, undergo the procedure and
keep your feelings and experience in your memory. Write it down if
needed so that you can raise it later when writing to your Member
of Congress.

* Make a complaint to the supervisor at the security screening area.
If you feel you have been mistreated, make a direct complaint at
security. After going through security, while still in the airport
you can lodge a complaint with an airport Customer Service

* Write your Member of Congress. Explain your experience and your
displeasure. Explain that you do not believe that this is an
appropriate way to treat citizens and that you believe that your
privacy has been violated. And explain that you want changes made
to ensure that the TSA respects the privacy of the flying public.
Raise your concerns that an individual citizen can't grope
another, so why is it permissible for bureaucrats to do this. Also
raise your health concerns as these are a concern as well.

* Submit formal complaints. As well as opting out and writing your
Member of Congress, submit direct complaints about treatment here:
http://epic.org/bodyscanner/incident_report/, or
And don't wait - do it from your phone at the airport (if you have
an iPhone, use the My TSA app at http://apps.usa.gov/tsa-app/).

!! Tips !!

* Participate at any airport of choice.

* To write your Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, see:

* To write your U.S. Senator, see:

* You can submit a written complaint direct to: TSA at Email:
TSA.OCR-ExternalCompliance@dhs.gov, The Department of Homeland
Security's Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties at Email:

* If you submitted a complaint to the TSA, the EFF asks that you
forward a copy to to Email: TSAComplaints@eff.org.

* Pilot and flight attendant unions have asked employees to avoid
the scans.

!! Warnings !!

* Keep within the law. This is not about disobeying the law; it's
about pointing out that stupid laws are stupid laws and that
privacy is an equally important issue.

!! Related WikiHows !!

* How to Prepare for a TSA Body Scan or Pat Down

* How to Go Through Airport Security Smoothly

* How to Avoid Missing a Flight

* How to Pass Time at an Airport

!! Sources And Citations !!

* http://www.optoutday.com/

* http://technolog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2010/11/22/5510440-tell-the-tsa-dont-touch-my-junk-heres-how

!! Article Tools !!

* Read on wikiHow



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