Monday, 1 November 2010

How to Ask for a Pay Raise

How to Ask for a Pay Raise

The best approach to asking for a pay rise is to plan;
simply leaping over the abyss of an opportunistic moment
will rarely produce a successful outcome – nerves,
discomfort, and lack of preparation will trip you up.
Knowing why you're of more value to the company and having a
case prepared in advance will set in much better stead and
even if the answer is initially no, your enthusiasm and
clarity will be remembered for future opportunities. If you
feel like you have been doing an excellent job at work,
don't be afraid to approach your employer for a raise; here
are some suggestions on how to go about doing it.

!! Steps !!

There's always room for star performers Understand your chances. For
starters, once you've negotiated a pay deal with your boss, it's
harder to ask for more. Your boss assumes you're happy with the
amount you're getting and isn't going to be favorably disposed to
adding more financial burden to the company without good reason. On
the whole, getting a pay rise in most industries is hard to achieve
unless you have leverage. And that leverage can consist of such
things as getting another job offer or doing above and beyond your
job description, consistently, effectively, and regularly.[1]

* If you are a "star employee", a good company will often be able to
find a bit extra to keep you satisfied. Be aware that it is a
fairly standard tactic to tell you that the business is already
over its annual budget, to try and deter you from asking.[2] This
means that you need to know your worth as assessed against
objective criteria (see below), and be persistent.

* Be realistic. During a recession period, some companies will not
be able to provide pay rises without endangering your entire job.
When assessing any concern raised that they're already "over
budget" and suffering as a result of the recession, cut-backs, or
any other reasons, do some background research on the realities of
this before pressuring too much.

* Be careful using another job offer as leverage. Your boss may call
you on it; it's important to really have such a job offer and to
really want to take that job if you're rebuffed by your boss in
the current job. You may have to walk that plank!

Have confidence in your value Don't be afraid. Despite saying that
it can be hard to get a pay rise, it's just as important not to fall
into the mindset of not asking for a pay rise, ever. In particular,
women are often afraid to ask for a pay rise because of the
impression that it's important not to appear too demanding or
pushy.[3] Allowing this type of pervasive thinking won't win you a
pay rise by proxy. Have confidence in your worth (see below on how to
assess this) and value yourself. See this as an opportunity to show
that you care enough to develop a career trajectory that favors your
workplace as well as yourself.

* Negotiation is a learned skill. If you are afraid of this aspect,
take some time out to learn it and practice implementing it in a
variety of contexts before approaching your boss.

Has something you've done risen above all expectations? Choose the
right time. Successful requests are all about good timing. It doesn't
make sense to ask for a pay rise when you've not yet demonstrated
anything amazing for the firm you're working for, no matter how
little or long you've been with it. And asking for a pay rise based
purely on "time done" is dangerous because it makes you appear like a
timekeeper rather than someone interested in the company's
progression. Keep in mind:

* Demonstrable increased value. What have you done within a
demonstrable time period that has made you more valuable to the
firm or organization? It's never good enough to use time as the
reason for a pay rise; never say to your boss: "I've been here for
a year and I deserve a pay rise".[4] Your boss will be likely to
respond, "And so what?"

* Success is key, not time done. The time is _always_ right when
your value to the organization is clearly high.[5] This means
seizing the iron while it's hot and asking for a pay rise off the
back of excellent successes such as holding a highly successful
conference, getting fantastic feedback, getting a big client
signed on, producing outstanding work that outsiders have praised,

* Don't choose a time when the company has just posted major

Search your workplace's policies Know your company's policies. Does
your company require annual performance reviews to determine your
salary? Do salaries advance according to a fixed schedule or rank?
Who can make the decision (or ask for it to be made)? Read the
employee handbook (and company intranet, if you have one), or better
yet, talk to someone in Human Resources. _ Do some
research in the relevant fields only Know what you're worth -
objectively. It's easy to believe you're worth more, especially if
you feel as if you're giving 110 percent every day but you need to
demonstrate this objectively by assessing your worth against others
in the same industry. Find out the usual salary range for those who
do what you do in your region or area. Know what others doing the
same as you in your industry are getting. While this is something you
should already have known since commencing the job and have
negotiated a salary level accordingly, if your role and
responsibilities have changed since taking the job, look to similar
levels in the industry to see what they're being paid for similar
work. This can help you to build your case but should not_ be used as
the principal reason for your wanting to get a pay rise. It informs
_you_ about your worth, not your boss and your boss won't view this
as a _real_ reason to give you a raise.[7] When looking for this
information, take into account:

* Your job description, responsibility, including any management or
leadership tasks;

* Years of experience and your seniority in the company's line of

* Your education; and

* Your location.

Prepare a list of your accomplishments. This list is part of the
process of knowing your own worth, as well as providing the
groundwork for making your case and defending your request. While
some people believe it's helpful to write down the accomplishments
to present to your boss, others believe your accomplishments should
already be evident and you should only need to remind your boss
verbally.[8] It depends on what you know about your boss's
preferences, your relationship dynamics with your boss, and your own
level of comfort with reciting your accomplishments verbatim.

* If you're choosing to convince your boss verbally, memorize the

* If you're choosing to present a written copy to your boss for his
or her reference, have somebody proofread it for you first.

Take time to prepare your case; think through all the positives Make
your case. Pay particular attention to projects you've worked on, and
how you helped solve any problems that arose. This case should
clearly and simply demonstrate why you're worth more money to your
employer, including demonstrating how business operations and profits
have improved since and because you've been a part of the company.
This is about far more than just doing your job well, something
you're already expected to do; you should be doing around 20 percent
more in your role than when you started it or last had a pay
increase. Demonstrate that you've made an important and remarkable
difference and will continue to do so, focusing on the positive
things you've done for the company. Some questions to consider when
developing your case include:

* Did you complete or help to complete a tough project? And get
positive results from it?

* Did you work extra hours or meet an urgent deadline? Are you
continuing to demonstrate this type of commitment?

* Did you take initiative? In what ways?

* Did you go beyond the call of duty? In what ways?

* Did you save the company time or money?

* Did you improve any systems or processes?

* Did you support or train others? As Carolyn Kepcher says: "A
rising tide lifts all boats",[9] and a boss wants to hear that
you've helped others.

Make it easy for your boss to say "Ah-ha!" Give your boss a plan. As
part of making your case, also present your boss with a plan. Your
boss is busy, and in many cases, your boss wants to be saved the
hassle of interviewing new people for a role, so if your pay rise
would ensure that you continue to fill a gap that would otherwise
require a new hire or review of existing positions, it's a huge
relief to a boss to find that not only are you ready to take up the
challenge but you've already got things underway and prepared for
extending it. Explain the logical progression of how the
over-and-above goals you've already achieved will result in good
future progress for the company and what objectives you have in mind
for achieving this. This tells your boss that you're always one step
ahead, thinking about where the company is headed.[10]

* Think about the level of pay rise you're looking for. Here it's
important not to be greedy and to remain realistic. The usual
tactic of negotiating from a much higher point isn't as good an
idea with salary increase requests because your boss might think
you're being ridiculous. Stay within the realms of reality and
break it down so that it doesn't seem too huge; for example,
explain it as been an extra $40 a week rather than $2,080 per

* You can negotiate for more than just a pay raise. Maybe you're
happy to take other things in lieu of money, such as stocks or
shares in the company, a wardrobe allowance, rental assistance, or
even a promotion in your title. Ask for a company car, or a better
one. If appropriate, talk about benefits, titles, and
modifications to your responsibilities, management, or

* Be prepared to compromise and haggle. Even though you haven't
given your boss an unrealistic figure, still expect some
bargaining to go on if your boss is receptive to the request.

"Can I see you for a moment?" Set time aside. If you just walk up
and ask for a raise, you'll seem unprepared, and like you don't
deserve one. You don't have to give _too much_ advance notice but do
seek privacy and a moment that won't be interrupted. For example,
when you walk in to work in the morning, say: "Before you leave, I'd
like to speak with you." Or, make an appointment if your boss is
_really_ busy or disorganized. And remember, a face-to-face request
is far harder to turn down than a letter or email.

* Be confident, not arrogant, and be positive. Speak politely and
with clarity. And be prepared to get it over and done with while
maintaining good composure and self-control; keep in mind that it
probably won't be half as bad as it feels before asking!

* Start by saying how much you enjoy your job, then launch into
discussing your achievements and your desire for a pay rise.
Inject yourself into the discussion by being personable, to make
that human connection with your boss.

* Once you've explained why a pay rise matters to you, launch
straight into the benefits for the company and your boss. Follow
your plan.

* Wait for your boss's response. If it's an outright "no", see next
step. If it's "I need time to think about this", try to pinpoint a
future time for reopening the discussion. If your boss agrees
immediately, say something like "Don't say yes unless you mean it"
as a means of encouraging your boss to repeat the agreement and
reinforce it in his or her mind, and then proceed to "hold your
boss" to it (see below).[12]

* Thank your boss for his or her time.

Thanks for hearing me out. Be persistent if the answer is no. Even
if your boss says no, your desire for a pay rise is now out in the
open and your boss has to be concerned about the chances that you
might be looking elsewhere for better paid work. If you are a star
employee, keep performing excellently and ask again in a few months

* Don't get emotional or take it personally. Thank your boss for

* Ask your boss what you can do to make it easier for him or her to
consider giving you a pay rise in the near future. This
demonstrates your persistence and your willingness to take your
boss's opinions into account. It may be that both of you can agree
on increased responsibilities and activities over a certain time
period that gradually leads to a new role and a pay increase;
think laterally.

* Send a follow-up email saying thank you.[13] This provides a
dated, written record that you can remind your boss of in future

* Be pragmatic. If you're shooting higher than your company is
willing to pay, maybe it's better to apply for a different
position that has a higher salary, either with your company or
another one, rather than trying to go down the route of a pay rise
or creating a new role? Think this possibility through carefully.

Hold your boss to the promise. If the answer was yes, there is often
one final hurdle and that is actually receiving the paperwork
confirming the pay rise, and the actual payment. Things do go wrong,
such as your boss feeling under pressure from higher up to maintain
budget constraints, etc., and sometimes back-pedaling is the end
result, or simple forgetfulness resulting from your boss's busy
workload. To allay this possibility, know how to hold your boss to
the promise.

* Mark Palmer and Scott Solder suggest that you do this by: making
your boss feel bad about reneging (for example, mentioning someone
you know who asked for a pay rise only to have a boss take it back
and how staff morale plummeted); reinforce it by asking such
questions as when your boss will implement the pay rise and if
there is anything you need to sign off to put it into effect. Or
go one step further and tell your boss: "I guess that you'll have
this arranged by the end of the month after you've approved the
paperwork, etc." – this paints your boss's action picture so
that he or she doesn't have to. And finally, Palmer and Scott
suggest that you go "over and above" by giving your boss more than
they're expecting from you, such as a thank you email, or a shout
to lunch to say thanks.[14]

!! Video !!

!! Tips !!

* Many companies subscribe to industry salary surveys. Ask your boss
to consult that information when determining your new
compensation, especially if you think your pay has lagged behind
that of your peers. It will lend credence to your well-researched

* Improve your qualifications, if you can. You don't have to wait
around or make your case on seniority alone. Better qualifications
mean that you can offer more to your employer. Take a class, get
a certification or license, or take the initiative to learn new
skills on your own. Then, use these achievements to demonstrate
that you're worth more than you used to be.

* Prior to asking for any raise or increase in compensation, be sure
that you've handled any and all projects, jobs, and issues on your
plate. Asking for a raise in the middle of something you're
currently working seldom works. Remember that timing matters!

* Look at your current job responsibilities and expectations. Ensure
that you're doing all of these fully and without reminder or
having others cover your back. From there, try to identify areas
that could be done more effectively with modifications,
systemization or changes to procedures. Implement these changes
and strategies, allowing you to go beyond the minimum expectation.
Most supervisors typically will not promote or increase the pay of
someone who is only doing the minimum expectation for their
position. Remember that managers view a pay raise as a reward for
excelling not for time put in doing the minimum standard.

!! Warnings !!

* Stay positive. Do _not_ use this time to gripe about management,
coworkers, conditions, or anything else. And do not drag other
co-workers into the equation for comparison. This will seem like
sour grapes even if you're praising them. If you must raise a
concern for some reason, present it politely and come equipped
with remedies and suggestions at a time different from asking for
a pay rise.

* Recognize that your boss has deadlines and budgets to contend

* Keep the discussion focused on your work, and your value. Never
use personal issues, including financial shortfalls or other
problems, as the reason for needing a raise. This is business and
that demonstrates personal weakness, not something you want your
boss to know. Talk in terms of the value of your services.

* Do not leverage the length of time you have been with a company as
your only or primary reason for deserving the raise. Managers
prefer to see better performance with less time, not just length
of time doing the same things.

* The fact is that employers have much more experience in the field
of negotiations. This is the reason why the biggest mistake an
employee can make is being unprepared for the negotiation.

* Always ask yourself: why should your boss give you a pay raise?
Why is it good for her/him? During the negotiation try to list as
many arguments as possible, which are proving that it is in your
boss' interest to give you a pay raise. These advantages can be:
more clients, higher performance, more efficiency.

!! Things You'll Need !!

* Planning document

!! Related WikiHows !!

* How to Develop Your Personal Elevator Pitch

* How to Prepare for a Behavioral Interview

* How to Analyze Your Skills and Job Options

* How to Write a Resume

* How to Write a Status Report

* How to Write a Resignation Letter

* How to Get a Promotion

* How to Perform More in Job

!! Sources And Citations !!

!! Article Tools !!

* Read on wikiHow



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