Friday 8 October 2010

How to Enlarge Thumbnails in Windows Explorer

How to Enlarge Thumbnails in Windows Explorer

While computers have made many advances over the years in
helping to ensure that those with sight problems are able to
use a computer, getting through Windows Explorer can be
difficult if you're experiencing sight problems.
Fortunately, there is a way to make Windows Explorer easier
to see, via enlarging the thumbnails.

!! Steps !!

Open the libraries folder. Or you can open another folder, such as
the pictures, downloads, computer, etc. It doesn't matter which
folder you begin on; all the Windows Explorer folders have the same
method of enlarging the thumbnails.

Locate the taskbar near the top of the screen. On the upper right
side of this, you'll see three icons. The first one on the left
side, when rolled over with your cursor, should read "Change your

Click on the "Change your view" icon. A small menu will pop up
with a list of different ways the Windows Explorer can present

Select "Extra Large Icons". The icons will become large enough
for you to see easily.

* Repeat for all other Windows Explorer libraries.

!! Tips !!

* Alternatively, experiment with other options, such as "Large" and

!! Things You'll Need !!

* Windows Explorer

!! Related WikiHows !!

* How to Open Windows Explorer

* How to Force Windows Explorer to Start in the Folder You Want

* How to Change the Folder Background in Windows Explorer

* How to Take a Screenshot in Microsoft Windows

* How to Change Your Desktop Background in Windows

!! Sources And Citations !!

*, How To Customize the Windows Explorer Views
in Windows XP, – research

*, Changing Windows Explorer folder view settings on
– research source

!! Article Tools !!

* Read on wikiHow



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